


using LitJson;

using System;


public class Person


    // C# 3.0 auto-implemented properties

    public string   Name     { get; set; }

    public int      Age      { get; set; }

    public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }



public class JsonSample


    public static void Main()






    public static void PersonToJson()


        Person bill = new Person();


        bill.Name = "William Shakespeare";

        bill.Age  = 51;

        bill.Birthday = new DateTime(1564, 4, 26);


        string json_bill = JsonMapper.ToJson(bill);





    public static void JsonToPerson()


        string json = @"


                ""Name""     : ""Thomas More"",

                ""Age""      : 57,

                ""Birthday"" : ""02/07/1478 00:00:00""



        Person thomas = JsonMapper.ToObject<Person>(json);


        Console.WriteLine("Thomas' age: {0}", thomas.Age);




using LitJson;

using System;


public class JsonSample


    public static void Main()


        string json = @"


            ""album"" : {

              ""name""   : ""The Dark Side of the Moon"",

              ""artist"" : ""Pink Floyd"",

              ""year""   : 1973,

              ""tracks"" : [

                ""Speak To Me"",


                ""On The Run""









    public static void LoadAlbumData(string json_text)


        Console.WriteLine("Reading data from the following JSON string: {0}",



        JsonData data = JsonMapper.ToObject(json_text);


        // Dictionaries are accessed like a hash-table

        Console.WriteLine("Album's name: {0}", data["album"]["name"]);


        // Scalar elements stored in a JsonData instance can be cast to

        // their natural types

        string artist = (string) data["album"]["artist"];

        int    year   = (int) data["album"]["year"];


        Console.WriteLine("Recorded by {0} in {1}", artist, year);


        // Arrays are accessed like regular lists as well

        Console.WriteLine("First track: {0}", data["album"]["tracks"][0]);




using LitJson;
using System;
public class DataReader
    public static void Main()
        string sample = @"{
            ""name""  : ""Bill"",
            ""age""   : 32,
            ""awake"" : true,
            ""n""     : 1994.0226,
            ""note""  : [ ""life"", ""is"", ""but"", ""a"", ""dream"" ]
    public static void PrintJson(string json)
        JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(json);
        Console.WriteLine ("{0,14} {1,10} {2,16}", "Token", "Value", "Type");
        Console.WriteLine (new String ('-', 42));
        // The Read() method returns false when there's nothing else to read
        while (reader.Read()) {
            string type = reader.Value != null ?
                reader.Value.GetType().ToString() : "";
            Console.WriteLine("{0,14} {1,10} {2,16}",
                              reader.Token, reader.Value, type);
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