神经网络_00_Using Backpropogation Network in MATLAB

神经网络_00_Using Backpropogation Network in MATLAB  


     Backpropogation(BP) is a most popular network in practice. The training role of BP is Widrow-Hoff rule, which is based on a gradient descent algorithm. With biases, a sigmoid layer and a linear layer, the BP network can approximate any function with a finite number of discontinuities.

     To train a BP network needs four steps. As you will see below, these four steps can be done in MATLAB easily. :

     1. Assemble the train date, which means defining your problem with input and output data correctly;

     2. Create your network object. Using 'newff', you can create your network easily, for example: net = newff(inputdata, outputdata, 20). 20 means hidden layer number, it can be changed and don't have a generized standard;

     3. Train your network. Using 'train' to train your network, for example: [net tr] = train(net, inputdata, outputdata);

     4. Simulate your network response to new inputs. Using y = sim(net, newdata);

     In MATLAB, the input data have been divided into three parts. 60% of them are used as training data, 20% are validation data, 20% are testing data. You can expect the new data you simulate will provide reasonable output with relative errors similar to testing data you have used.

     BP is a multilayer feedforward network. An elementary neuron is shown below. The input vector is multiplied by weight 'w' and add 'bias' to the result. The result will be the input argument of transfer function. The most popular transfer functions are 'logsig', 'tansig' and 'purelin'.

Using Backpropogation Network in MATLAB - ZanDZ - 我的博客

fig1: a simple neuron architecture

     A practical neroun and network is shown below seperately.    

Using Backpropogation Network in MATLAB - ZanDZ - 我的博客

fig2: a neuron of BP

Using Backpropogation Network in MATLAB - ZanDZ - 我的博客

fig3: a BP network

     The following describe the procedure of training a BP network.

     1. Create a network. Using 'newff' to create a network. The syntax of 'newff' is:

     net = newff(P, T, [S1 S2 ...], {TF1 TF2 ...}, BFT, BLF, PF, IPF, OPF, DDF)

     P: input data.

     T: output data.

     [S1 S2 ...]: hidden layer number.

     {TF1 TF2 ...}: transfer function, default 'tansig' for hidden layer, 'purelin' for output layer.

     Others: including training method, et al. you can see a detail description in MATLAB help.

     2. Training

     There are many training methods. I only describe the usage of one popular training method 'traingdx', Some 'traingdx' parameters are described below.

     net.trainParam.epochs    Maximum number of epochs to train.

     net.trainParam.goal         Performace goal.

     net.trainParam.lr               Learning rate.

     net.trainParam.lr_inc        Ratio to increase learning rate.

     net.trainParam.lr_dec       Ration to decrease learning rate

     net.trainParam.max_fail   Maximum validation failures

     net.trainParam.max_perf_inc            Maximum performace increase

     net.trainParam.mc                              Momentum constant

     net.trainParam.min_grad                   Mimimum performace gradient

     net.trainParam.show                           Epochs between displays

     net.trainParam.showCommandLine           Generate command-line output

     net.trainParam.showWindow                       Show training GUI

     net.trainParam.time                                       Maximum time to train in seconds

     An example of training is:

     p = [ -1 -1 2 2; 0 5 0 5];

     t = [ -1 -1 1 1];

     net = newff( p, t, 3, {}, 'traingdx');

     [net tr] = train(net, p, t);

     3. Simulating

     After training your network, you can simulate it using your own data.

     Some problems

     Overfitting is a popular problem of BP network. You can overcome it in some ways.

     1. Get enough large sample data;

     2. Change default performace function.






5. traincgb:Plwell-Beale算法:通过判断前后梯度的正交性来决定权值和阈值的调整方向是否回到负梯度方向上来.

6. trainscg:比例共轭梯度算法:将模值信赖域算法与共轭梯度算法结合起来,减少用于调整方向时搜索网络的时间.


posted @ 2017-08-28 15:49  lonelybag514  阅读(302)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报