Create Custom Modification Form In VS 2012-Part1

Step1.Add EventHandlingScope Activity Under OnWorkflowActivated

Step2.Add SequenceActivity In EventHandlingScope Activity

Step3.Add EnableWorkflowModification Activity

  a.Bind [ContextData] to a new field

  b.Set [Colorrelation Token] as "Modification" and [OwnerActivityName] as " your workflow name"

  c.Generate guid for [ModificatiomId]

  d.Bind a method to [MethodInvoking]


Step 4.Switch to View Event Handles mode of EventHandlingScope


Step 5.Add Event Driven Activity in View Event Handles mode of EventHandlingScope

Step 6.Add OnWorkflowModified Activity in Event Driven Acticvity

  a.Bind [ContextData] to the field we create at step3

   b.Keep [Colorrelation Token]  and [OwnerActivityName]  same as step3

  c.Keep [ModificatiomId] same as step3

  d.Bind a method to [MethodInvoking]

  e.Bind [User] to a new field.




Step7.Modify Element.xml of the workflow


    a.Replace the guid string in Modification node



posted @ 2014-08-20 15:04  【上海】Peter  阅读(251)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报