ANSYS Workbench 仿真 Warning 记录

本文记录 ANSYS Workbench 在使用过程中的 Warning 以及警告的原因,具体内容来自ANSYS的帮助文档(检索功能有待加强)


  • Large deformation effects are active which may have invalidated some of your applied supports such as displacement, cylindrical, frictionless, or compression only. Refer to Troubleshooting in the Help System for more details.


官方:In a large deformation analysis, the program updates the nodal coordinates as the solution progresses towards the final configuration. As a result, supports that fix only some of the degrees of freedom of a node but not all (for example fix only UX=0), may become invalid as the model's nodal coordinates and thus nodal rotation angles are updated. The imposed DOF displacement directions do not change even though rotation angles change. This may or may not be a desirable situation. A classic example is a simple torsion of a rod. Initially the nodes at zero degrees have a circumferential direction of UY but after a twist of 90 degrees, have a circumferential direction of UX.
路径:ANSYS Documentation >Mechanical Applications > Mechanical User's Guide > Troubleshooting >Problem Situations > Large Deformation Effects are Active


  • The solver has found conflicting DOF constraints at one or more nodes.

同一结点上施加了冲突的边界条件,比如边A固定x位移0,边B固定x位移10,A与B相交的边界上的结点既固定又移动,存在冲突。另外,在多位移载荷步(第一步,对A边界添加移动位移载荷 \(1* \text{time}, \text{time} \in [0,1]\);第二步,固定A边界不动保持1s)施加后,同样报出了这个错误,目前没有找到原因,但通过施加 remote 位移边界条件或者 Tabular 的方式绕开了问题,不知道有没有高人知道原因。

... 待续,待摸索


[1] ANSYS帮助文档.

最后更新于 2023年7月14日 --- 最初发表于 2023年7月10日
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posted @ 2023-07-10 09:57  LitBro  阅读(606)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报