

1.int android.widget.AbsListView.pointToPosition(int x, int y):将坐标映射成list位置序号!!    2014.08.08

Maps a point to a position in the list.

x X in local coordinate
y Y in local coordinate
The position of the item which contains the specified point, or INVALID_POSITION if the point does not intersect an item.

2.int android.widget.AdapterView.getFirstVisiblePosition():得到屏幕上list第一个可见的item  2014.08.08

Returns the position within the adapter's data set for the first item displayed on screen.

The position within the adapter's data set


posted @ 2014-08-08 15:06  奉孝安在  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报