
1. 文件注释

1.1 Java类文件注释

Setting -> Editor -> File and Code Templates -> Includes -> File Header

  * @ClassName: ${NAME}
  * @Description: TODO
  * @Author: JGC
  * @Date: ${DATE} ${TIME} 
  * @Version: 1.0

1.2 JSP文件注释

Setting -> Editor -> File and Code Templates -> Other -> Jsp files -> Jsp File.jsp

  User: JGC
  Date: ${DATE}
  Time: ${TIME}
  Description: TODO


2. 方法注释

Setting -> Editor -> Live Templates

1. 右上角 + 新建userDefine组

2. 新建 * 条目

3. Template Text

 * @Author JGC
 * @Description //TODO $end$
 * @Date $time$ $date$
 * @Param $param$
 * @return $return$

4. Options


posted @ 2019-03-02 11:42  JGC-HUST  阅读(760)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报