SubSonic 命令行参数及使用示例
以下是SubSonic 命令行参数
sonic.exe v2.0.1.0 - Command Line Interface to SubSonic v2.0.1.0
Usage: sonic command [options]
Sample: sonic generate /server localhost /db northwind /out GeneratedFiles
Help: sonic help
TIP: SubSonic will read your App.Config or Web.Config - just select the project and run your command.
******************** Commands *********************************
version: Scripts out the schema/data of your db to file
scriptdata: Scripts the data to file for your database
scriptschema: Scripts your Database schema to file
generate: Generates output code for tables, views, and SPs
generatetables: Generates output code for your tables
generateODS: Generates and ObjectDataSource controller for each table
generateviews: Generates output code for your views
generatesps: Generates output code for your SPs
editor: Creates an Editor for a particular table
******************** Argument List ****************************
####### Required For all commands (these can be read from config files)
if you don't have a Web or App.config, these need to be set
/override SubCommander won't try to find a config - instead it will use what you pass in
/server - the database server - ALWAYS REQUIRED
/db - the database to use
####### Other Commands (some may be required for specific commands)
/userid - the User ID for your database (blank = use SSPI)
/password - the password for your DB (blank = use SSPI)
/out - the output directory for generated items. (default = current)
/lang - generated code language: cs or vb (default = cs)
/provider - the name of the provider to use
/includeTableList - used for generating classes. A comma-delimited list that defines which tables should be used to generate classes
/config - the path your App/Web.Config - used to instance SubSonic
/excludeTableList the opposite of tablelist. These tables will NOT be used to generate classes
******** Arguments Matching SubSonic web.config Settings ********
Just add a '/' in front
/generatedNamespace - the namespace to use for generated code
/templateDirectory - the directory containing template overrides
/fixPluralClassNames - reset all plural table names to singular? true/false
/useSPs - whether to generate SP wrapper (true/false)
/spClassName - default is 'StoredProcedures' - this will override that
/stripTableText - replace table text with this command
/stripColumnText - replace column text with this command
/stripParamText - replace SP param text with this command
/appendWith - when you have reserved words in your table columns we need to append it with something. Our default is 'X'.You can change that here.
/spStartsWith - use SPs that start with this
/viewStartsWith - use Views that start with this
/relatedTableLoadPrefix - prefix related table loaders
/removeUnderscores - whether to remove underscores from generated object names (true/false) default is false
/templateDirectory The path to your custom templates. This is a directory reference
cd C:\Program Files\SubSonic\SubSonic 2.0.1
sonic generate /server localhost /db SubSonicDemo /out C:\SubsonicDemo /config "C:\Program Files\SubSonic\SubSonic 2.0.1\sonic.exe.config"
sonic scriptschema /server localhost /db SubSonicDemo /out C:\SubsonicDemo /config "C:\Program Files\SubSonic\SubSonic 2.0.1\sonic.exe.config"
这个命令将生成一系列Model和Controller类,后面那行命令是生成指定数据库SubSonicDemo 的schema。
<section name="dataConfiguration"
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
<section name="SubSonicService"
type="SubSonic.SubSonicSection, SubSonic"
<add name="SubsonicDemo"
connectionString="Data Source=localhost; Database=SubsonicDemo; Integrated Security=true;"/>
<dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="SubsonicDemoConnection"/>
<SubSonicService defaultProvider="SubsonicDemo" >
<add name="SubsonicDemo" type="SubSonic.SqlDataProvider, SubSonic"
connectionStringName="SubsonicDemo" generatedNamespace
="SubsonicDemo" />