Below is a sample piece of SQR code which you can use to call Datamover to export data perform some processing, and call another SQR within that SQR to posibly load the data. It's a good sample!



do Init-Report
call system using 'r:\hr700\bin\client\winx86\psdmt.exe -CT MICROSFT
-CS servername -CD databasename -CO user -CP password -CI user -CW
password -FP c:\temp\ccc_pers_data_export.dms' #status1
show 'DataMover Export Status: ' #status1
do Process-Main
call system using 'c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /c start /wait
r:\hr700\sqrbinw\sqrw.exe c:\temp\Interface.sqr
databasename/user/password -ir:\hr700\sqr\' #status2
show 'Interface status: ' #status2
do StdAPI-Term
