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How to use yum to download a package without installing it
Solution Verified - Updated October 22 2015 at 2:36 PM - English

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5


How do I use yum to download a package without installing it?


There are two ways to download a package without installing it.

One is using the "downloadonly" plugin for yum, the other is using "yumdownloader" utility.
Downloadonly plugin for yum

Install the package including "downloadonly" plugin:

# yum install yum-downloadonly

# yum install yum-plugin-downloadonly

Run yum command with "--downloadonly" option as follows:

# yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=<directory> <package>

Confirm the RPM files are available in the specified download directory.


Before using the plugin, check /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/downloadonly.conf to confirm that this plugin is "enabled=1"
This is applicable for "yum install/yum update" and not for "yum groupinstall". Use "yum groupinfo" to identify packages within a specific group.
If only the package name is specified, the latest available package is downloaded (such as sshd). Otherwise, you can specify the full package name and version (such as httpd-2.2.3-22.el5).
If you do not use the --downloaddir option, files are saved by default in /var/cache/yum/ in rhel-{arch}-channel/packages
If desired, you can download multiple packages on the same command.
You still need to re-download the repodata if the repodata expires before you re-use the cache. By default it takes two hours to expire.


If downloading a installed package, "yumdownloader" is useful.

Install the yum-utils package:

# yum install yum-utils

Run the command followed by the desired package:

# yumdownloader <package>


The package is saved in the current working directly by default; use the --destdir option to specify an alternate location.
Be sure to add --resolve if you need to download dependencies.


posted on 2016-09-18 11:27  CanntBelieve  阅读(834)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报