.net已经在官方文档明确提出,不建议在Linux系统上使用.net自带的图形类库,但是在netcore6.0框架及之前,可以强行开启(报错不负责). netcore7.0及之后的版本,彻底放弃Linux的图形类库功能.
/// <summary> /// 图片验证码 /// </summary> public class ImageVerificationCode { public ImageVerificationCode(int Width, int Height) { // crate a surface var info = new SKImageInfo(Width, Height); Surface = SKSurface.Create(info); ///设置字体,解决乱码 var fontManager = SKFontManager.Default; EmojiTypeface = fontManager.MatchCharacter('赵'); Random1 = new Random(); } SKSurface Surface; SKTypeface EmojiTypeface; Random Random1; /// <summary> /// 背景色 /// </summary> public byte BackColorR = 185; /// <summary> /// 背景色 /// </summary> public byte BackColorG = 185; /// <summary> /// 背景色 /// </summary> public byte BackColorB = 185; /// <summary> /// 防靠色偏差值 /// </summary> public byte BackOffset = 40; /// <summary> /// 字体大小 /// </summary> int TextSize = 30; /// <summary> /// R限制范围 /// </summary> public (byte begin, byte end, byte length) BoundsR { get { return Bounds(BackColorR); } } /// <summary> /// R限制范围 /// </summary> public (byte begin, byte end, byte length) BoundsG { get { return Bounds(BackColorG); } } /// <summary> /// R限制范围 /// </summary> public (byte begin, byte end, byte length) BoundsB { get { return Bounds(BackColorB); } } /// <summary> /// 颜色取值,限制范围 /// </summary> /// <param name="Value"></param> /// <returns></returns> private (byte begin, byte end, byte length) Bounds(byte Value) { (byte begin, byte end, byte length) res = (0, 0, 0); res.begin = (byte)Math.Max(0, Value - BackOffset); res.end = (byte)Math.Min(255, Value + BackOffset); res.length = (byte)(res.end - res.begin); return res; } /// <summary> /// 清除图像,保留背景色 /// </summary> public void Clear() { // the the canvas and properties var canvas = Surface.Canvas; // make sure the canvas is blank canvas.Clear(new SKColor(BackColorR, BackColorG, BackColorB)); } /// <summary> /// 写文字 /// </summary> /// <param name="Text"></param> public void WriteText(string Text) { var canvas = Surface.Canvas; var xPoint = 6;///x点 var yPoint = (Surface.Canvas.DeviceClipBounds.Height + TextSize) / 2; ///y点 // draw some text var paint = new SKPaint { Color = SKColors.Black, IsAntialias = true, Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill, TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Left, TextSize = TextSize, TextEncoding = SKTextEncoding.Utf8, Typeface = EmojiTypeface, StrokeWidth = 3 // TextSkewX = 3 }; for (int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++) { ///偏移 int xOffset = Random1.Next(-TextSize * 2 / 10, 1);///x偏移 int yOffset = Random1.Next(-3, 3);///y偏移 int angleOffset = Random1.Next(-15, 15);///角度偏移 paint.Color = RandColoe();///随机颜色 canvas.RotateDegrees(angleOffset, xPoint + xOffset, yPoint + yOffset); canvas.DrawText(Text[i].ToString(), xPoint + xOffset, yPoint + yOffset, paint); canvas.RotateDegrees(-angleOffset, xPoint + xOffset, yPoint + yOffset); // xPoint = xPoint + xOffset + TextSize; xPoint = xPoint + TextSize + xOffset; } } /// <summary> /// 混淆 /// </summary> public void Confuse(uint Count) { // the the canvas and properties var canvas = Surface.Canvas; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { int x = Random1.Next(0, canvas.DeviceClipBounds.Width); int y = Random1.Next(0, canvas.DeviceClipBounds.Height); int radius = Random1.Next(TextSize, TextSize * 2); var paint = new SKPaint { Color = RandColoe(),///随机颜色 IsAntialias = true, Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke, TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Left, TextSize = TextSize, TextEncoding = SKTextEncoding.Utf8, Typeface = EmojiTypeface, StrokeWidth = 1 // TextSkewX = 3 }; canvas.DrawCircle(x, y, radius, paint); } } /// <summary> /// 生成和背景具有区分的随机颜色 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private SKColor RandColoe() { ///随机颜色,以背景色为基准,,取随机值,防止靠色 ///0 128 256 ///r值 var r = Random1.Next(0, 255 - BoundsR.length); if (r > BoundsR.begin && r < BoundsR.end) { r = (r + BoundsR.length) % 256; } ///g值 var g = (r + Random1.Next(50, 190)) % 256; if (g > BoundsG.begin && g < BoundsG.end) { g = (g + BoundsG.length) % 256; } ///b值 var b = (g + Random1.Next(50, 190)) % 256; if (b > BoundsB.begin && b < BoundsB.end) { b = (b + BoundsB.length) % 256; } return new SKColor((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b); } /// <summary> /// 获取图片流,png格式 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public byte[] GetImg() { MemoryStream stream; // save the file using (var image = Surface.Snapshot()) using (var data = image.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100)) { return data.ToArray(); } } /// <summary> /// 一键生成验证图片 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public byte[] CreateVerificationImage(string Text) { Clear(); WriteText(Text); Confuse(4); var stream = GetImg(); return stream; } }
public IActionResult img2() { ImageVerificationCode t1 = new ImageVerificationCode(135,40); t1.Clear(); t1.WriteText("eB4FJ"); t1.Confuse(5); var img= t1.GetImg(); return File(img, "image/Png"); }