模拟 H - Penalties Kick

H - Penalties Kick
Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu
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Football is an excellent game, but sometimes it is cruel. As you know, two football teams may have a tie after regular time and even addition time, but we have to judge who is the winner, so penalty comes.

Here are the rules taken from FIFA:

1. If, before both teams have taken five kicks, one has scored more goals than the other could score, even if it were to complete its five kicks, no more kicks are taken;

2. If, after both teams have taken five kicks, both have scored the same number of goals, or have not scored any goals, kicks continue to be taken in the same order until one team has scored a goal more than the other from the same number of kicks;

3. Each kick is taken by a different player and all eligible players must take a kick before any player can take a second kick;

4. After every player has taken a kick, they take the second kick in the same order as the first kick, and the same with third, fourth ... kick.

Now we have some kick results of the game, but unfortunately Doraemon wrote some additional results on the paper of kick results, which make the results become a 22 * 3 matrix. Now you have to judge who is the winner and what is the score.


The first line gives the number of test cases T, (1 ≤ T ≤ 1000), after the first line followed T cases. In each case, the first 11 lines give the kick results of the home team, in each line, there are 3 words(each word is either "yes" or "no") which indicates the result of the player's first kick, second kick and third kick(of course, the game would end before take three turns, but Doraemon always makes things bad). The next 11 lines give the kick result of the away team. Home team takes the kick first, and player kicks in the given order.


For each case, output contains three lines. The first line is "Match #:", where "#" is the case number. The second line is the "Winner:winner_name", (winner_name is either "home" or "away"). The third line is the final score "Score: home_score:away_score".

Sample Input

yes yes yes
yes yes yes
yes no no
yes no no
yes no no
no no no
no no no
no no no
no no no
no no no
no no no
yes no no
no no no
no no no
yes no no
yes no no
yes yes yes
yes yes yes
yes yes yes
yes yes yes
yes yes yes
yes yes yes

Sample Output

Match 1:
Winner: home
Score: 4:1


Doraemon suggests that you should use scanf to read data.

posted on 2013-11-09 15:50  keep trying  阅读(215)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
