poj2082 Terrible Sets(单调栈)


Let N be the set of all natural numbers {0 , 1 , 2 , . . . }, and R be the set of all real numbers. wi, hi for i = 1 . . . n are some elements in N, and w0 = 0. 
Define set B = {< x, y > | x, y ∈ R and there exists an index i > 0 such that 0 <= y <= hi ,∑0<=j<=i-1wj <= x <= ∑0<=j<=iwj} 
Again, define set S = {A| A = WH for some W , H ∈ R+ and there exists x0, y0 in N such that the set T = { < x , y > | x, y ∈ R and x0 <= x <= x0 +W and y0 <= y <= y0 + H} is contained in set B}. 
Your mission now. What is Max(S)? 
Wow, it looks like a terrible problem. Problems that appear to be terrible are sometimes actually easy. 
But for this one, believe me, it's difficult.


The input consists of several test cases. For each case, n is given in a single line, and then followed by n lines, each containing wi and hi separated by a single space. The last line of the input is an single integer -1, indicating the end of input. You may assume that 1 <= n <= 50000 and w1h1+w2h2+...+wnhn < 109.


Simply output Max(S) in a single line for each case.

Sample Input

1 2
3 4
1 2
3 4
1 2
3 4

Sample Output



Shanghai 2004 Preliminary
 1 program rrr(input,output);
 2 var
 3   h,l,r,q,sum:array[0..50050]of longint;
 4   n,i,t,ans,w:longint;
 5 function max(a,b:longint):longint;
 6 begin
 7    if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b);
 8 end;
 9 begin
10    assign(input,'r.in');assign(output,'r.out');reset(input);rewrite(output);
11    while true do
12       begin
13          readln(n);if n=-1 then break;
14          sum[0]:=0;
15          for i:=1 to n do begin readln(w,h[i]);sum[i]:=sum[i-1]+w; end;
16          t:=0;q[0]:=0;
17          for i:=1 to n do
18             begin
19                while (t>0) and (h[i]<=h[q[t]]) do dec(t);
20                l[i]:=q[t];
21                inc(t);q[t]:=i;
22             end;
23          t:=0;q[0]:=n+1;
24          for i:=n downto 1 do
25             begin
26                while (t>0) and (h[i]<=h[q[t]]) do dec(t);
27                r[i]:=q[t];
28                inc(t);q[t]:=i;
29             end;
30          ans:=0;
31          for i:=1 to n do ans:=max(ans,h[i]*(sum[r[i]-1]-sum[l[i]]));
32          writeln(ans);
33       end;
34    close(input);close(output);
35 end.


posted @ 2017-04-09 21:45  Klaier  阅读(190)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报