[翻译]ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta2(一)
这几天尝鲜安装了微软最新的ADO.net Entity Frameork Bata2
The ADO.NET Entity Framework is designed to enable developers to create data access applications by programming against a conceptual application model instead of programming directly against a relational storage schema. The goal is to decrease the amount of code and maintenance required for data-oriented applications. Entity Framework applications provide the following benefits:
ADO.NET 实体框架被设计成为让开发者在创建数据访问应用程序时,使用面向应用程序的概念模型来代替现有的关系型存储架构。这一做法的目的是为了在编写基于数据访问的应用程序时,减少程序编码以及代码维护的必要数量。实体访问应用程序提供了以下好处:
- Applications can work in terms of a more application-centric conceptual model, including types with inheritance, complex members, and relationships.
- 应用程序能工作在n层应用程序概念模型,包括继承类型、复合成员和关系
- Applications are freed from hard-coded dependencies on a particular data engine or storage schema.
- 应用程序在编码上不依赖于特定的数据引擎或存储架构。
- Mappings between the conceptual application model and the storage-specific schema can change without changing the application code.
- 在应用程序和特定存储构架之间的概念模型映射,并且存储架构的更改将不影响应用程序的代码。
- Developers can work with a consistent application object model that can be mapped to various storage schemas, possibly implemented in different database management systems.
- 开发人员可以使用一个相对稳定应用程序概念模型工作,并将这一模型映射到多种存储架构。例如不同的数据库管理系统的实现。
- Multiple application models can be mapped to a single storage schema.
- 多个应用程序模型可以映射到相同的存储架构
- Language-integrated query support provides compile-time syntax validation for queries against a conceptual model.
- 综合语言查询支持在编译时对针对概念模型的查询语句进行同步验证的功能。
In This Section/本节目录
- Introducing the Entity Framework/实体框架简介
Provides an overview of the features and functionality introduced in the ADO.NET Entity Framework.
提供了ADO.NET 实体框架内特点与功能的概述 - Getting Started with the Entity Framework/实体框架入门
Describes how to design and create an Entity Framework application.
- Programming Guide (Entity Framework)/编程指南(实体框架)
Contains conceptual topics, how-to's and tutorials that demonstrate the capabilities of the Entity Framework.
- Feature Reference (Entity Framework)/功能参考(实体框架)
Contains conceptual content describing the Entity Data Model, Object Services, Entity SQL, and LINQ to Entities.
- Samples (Entity Framework)/样例(实体框架)
Contains sample applications demonstrating the features and functionality of the Entity Framework.
- Entity Framework Features and Terminology/实体框架特点及术语
Describes features and terminology used in the Entity Framework.
如有问题,可以通过 Chinese_Xu@126.com 联系我,非常感谢。