Java 生产者模式 消费者模式

1 // The standard idiom for calling the wait
2 synchronized(sharedObject) {
3        while(condition){
4             sharedObject.wait();// Releases lock, and reacquires on wake up
5        }
6        // do action based upon condition e.g. take or put into queue        
7 }



 1 public class ProducerConsumer {
 2       public static void main (String args[]) {
 3             Queue<Integer> buffer = new LinkedList<>();
 4             int maxSize = 10;
 5             Thread producer = new Producer(buffer, maxSize, "PRODUCER");          
 6             Thread consumer = new Producer(buffer, maxSize, "CONSUMER");
 7             producer.start();
 8             consumer.start();
 9       }  
10 }    


class Producer extends Thread  {
      private Queue<Integer> queue;
      private int maxSize;
      public Producer(Queue<Integer> queue, int maxSize, String name) {
             this.queue = queue;
             this.maxSize = maxSize;
      public void run () {
           while (true) {
                 synchronized (queue) {  // 其它线程不能在我们检查条件时改变这个队列
                        while (queue.size() == maxSize) {
                              try {
                                    // Queue is full 
                                    // Producer thread waiting for
                                    // consumer to take something from queue
                              } catch (Exception e) {
                              Random random = new Random();
                              int producerValue = random.nextInt();


 1 class Consumer extends Thread {
 2     private Queue<Integer> queue;
 3     private int maxSize;
 4     public Consumer (Queue<Integer> queue, int maxSize, String name ){
 5          super(name);
 6          this.queue = queue;  
 7          this.maxSize= maxSize;  
 8     }  
 9     @Override
10     public void run() {
11           while (true) {
12                 synchronized (queue) {
13                       while (queue.isEmpty()) {
14                              // queue is empty;
15                              // Consumer thread is waiting
16                              // for producer thread to put something in queue
17                              try {
18                                    queue.wait();
19                              } catch (Exception e) {
20                                    e.printStackTrace();
21                              }
22                              print("Consumer value : " + queue remove());
23                              queue.notifyAll();
24                       }
25                 }
26           }
27     }
28 }



1. 你可以使用wait和notify函数来实现线程间通信,你可以用它们来实现多线程之间的通信。

2. 永远在synchronized的函数或者对象里使用wait、notify、notifyAll,不然java虚拟机会生成IllgalMonitorStateException。

3. 永远在while循环里而不是在if语句下使用wait,这样,循环会在线程睡眠前后都检查wait的条件,并在条件实际上并未改变的情况下处理唤醒通知。

4. 永远在多线程间共享的对象(生产者消费者模型里即缓冲区队列)上使用wait。


Producer - Consumer Pattern:


sunchronized (obj) {
     while (!workToDo) {
     // get next item from this queue
     workToDo = false;
// do work on the item


1 synchronized (obj) {
2       if (!workToDo) {
3            // add work to queue
4            workToDo = true;
5       }
6       obj.notifyAll();
7 }


posted @ 2015-08-25 10:37  晕菜一员  阅读(479)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报