
Which two statements are true regarding B-tree index? (Choose two.)
A.The leaf blocks in the index are doubly linked.
B.The leaf node stores a bitmap for each key value.
C.The rows with NULL value in key columns also have entries in the index.
D.The deletion of a row from the table causes a logical deletion in index leaf block and the space becomes available for the new leaf entry.

B,叶节点为每个键值存储一个位图。错误。是 ROWID
C,错误。当某行包含的所有键列为 NULL 时,该行没有对应的索引条目。因此,当 WHERE 子句指定了 NULL 时,始终会导致全表扫描。

posted @ 2017-12-15 11:13  巴啦啦大魔王  阅读(120)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报