Stop Using TODO for Everything (停止使用 TODO 处理所有事情)

很多程序员习惯在代码注释写 TODO,表示待完成的任务。作者建议不要再写 TODO,而用具体的任务替代,比如需要添加文档写"DOCME",需要添加测试写"TESTME"。


Term Indicates...
FIXME: something is broken (意味着代码还需要修改)
HACK/OPTIMIZE: the code is suboptimal and should be refactored (功能虽然实现了,但是还有待商榷)
BUG: there is a bug in the code
CHECKME/REVIEW: the code needs to be reviewed (方便在code review时与人讨论)
DOCME: the code needs to be documented (either in codebase or external documentation)
TESTME: the specified code needs to be tested or that tests need to be written for that selection of

这种TODO标签在vim中叫 task age;
Eclipse中也使用这种任务标签:TODO, XXX,FIXME
IDEA 中也可以通过Preferences > Editor > TODO来自定义匹配:



posted @ 2022-10-05 12:30  小鸣Cycling  阅读(41)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报