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Posted on 2009-10-17 18:02  Google优化  阅读(790)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

       Google撤销了管理员工具里的Pagerank统计功能,在SEO界引起轩然大波,大部分人认为Pagerank可能将退出历史的舞台,但是仔细读一读Susan Moskwa的回复就知道了,Google的用意是让站长们不要再执迷于PR数字,Susan Moskwa又指出在Google管理员中心的《FAQ:Crawling, indexing & ranking》一文中关于Pagerank的问题早就说明:

Q: My site's PageRank has gone up / gone down / not changed in months!
A: Don't worry. In fact, don't bother thinking about it. We only update the PageRank displayed in Google Toolbar a few times a year; this is our respectful hint for you to worry less about PageRank, which is just one of over 200 signals that can affect how your site is crawled, indexed and ranked. PageRank is an easy metric to focus on, but just because it's easy doesn't mean it's useful for you as a site owner. If you're looking for metrics, we'd encourage you to check out Analytics, think about conversion rates, ROI (return on investment), relevancy, or other metrics that actually correlate to meaningful gains for your website or business.

     Pagerank只是Google排名的200多个因素之一,早在2007年Google就工具栏PR显示删除问题进行公开讨论,后来不了了之,可见Pagerank无论从民意和官方目前退出Google排名的可能性并不大,但是有一个明显的事实就是Pagerank在排名中权重被大大降低了,退出历史的舞台似乎是迟早的事情。即使Pagerank真的退出其实对一些存在优质内容的网站伤害并不大,只是苦了一些以操纵PR为生的人们(当然这是自食恶果了)。 就目前来看Google工具栏还是能查看PR的,SEO们也不用太担心了。



Pagerank Sculpting(PR剪枝)
Google修复Bug,7亿Usenet(Google Groups)帖子获救 

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