这个是我写的,还有double MM的注释,改的体无完肤啊!到后来索性就直接写了~~~~~~~

Writing Activities


What is True friend (觉得题目跟内容有点不符合)

As Francis Bacon said“This communicating of a man’s self to his friend works two contrary effectsfor it redoubleth joys, and cutteth griefs in half. Indeedit is a source of pleasure as well as a component of good health. (培根说的这段话我没怎么明白哎~~,有的单词好奇怪呀

With the fast development of societyeverything has been changed quickly (觉得这里用主动语态就可以了,泛指事物都在发展变化), including the relationship between people. Many(换成some,打击面小一点)people only make friends with you for getting some benefit. Once they get what they want, the friendship is over! It’s horrible, isn’t it?

In fact, building friendship takes time and building friendships 这里用了复数,而前面一个friendship没加s,前后应该一致,我觉得。 而且。。既然都是building friendship做主语,那后面那个就可以省略了^0^, 还有我觉得用build搭配friendship有点别扭, 就查了下金山词霸,看到有个建立友谊的词组是strike up a friendship, 字典上还有form a lasting “持久的” friendship takes effort. Friendships are built slowly. (这句话怪怪的, 有点重复前面的内容,因为前面已经说过友谊的建立是take time的友谊是抽象名词,要不就不加s了吧,你说呢?^-^) It maybe come from (中文的确可以说 友谊来自于…” 可是翻译到英文直接用come from我觉得别扭啊. 饭团想表达的意思, 你看可以不可以干脆就用we can make friends with our classmates, workmates or childhood playmates)your classmate, workmate or childhood player (玩伴是playmate, 而且好象应该classmate, workmate也都用复数,因为肯定不只一个人啊). A person who wants to make friend with in a short time, you should notice his true purpose. (是不是改成You should be careful with those who only want to make friends with you for a certain purpose比较好呀?注意make friends 要用复数)

Then how to make true friends? True friendship comes from the understanding and agreement of souls. Between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take. Friends should (觉得这里用should语气太强了,表示 朋友一定要指引你的生活方向. 可以改成will表示 ”)direct the direction of (干脆把这个省略吧)your life. He/(不要偷懒,or)She can comfort you when you are at sea.

It is enough to get only a few true friends. A man dies often as he loses a friend. (!人们失去了朋友就经常会死亡么?太过了点吧?)But we gain new life by new contacts, new friends.(这句话也好奇怪, “通过新的联系,新的朋友,我们能获得新生这个是啥意思啊?)


Student Num: 1050372023

Student (这个student省略吧)

Name:Qiujian(还是再加个中文名字, 方便老师嘛)








                       My View on True Friendship

With the fast development of our society, everything has been changing more quickly than before, including the relationship between people. Some people only make friends with you for getting some benefits. Once they get what they want, the friendship is over. It’s horrible, isn’t it? For me, true friendship is worth more than money.

     In fact, forming a lasting friendship takes time and efforts. In all our life, we may make friends with the childhood playmates, with our classmates or workmates, but I’m sure that true friendship comes from the understanding and agreement of souls. Between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take. We should be careful with those who only want to make friends with us for a certain purpose.

     True friendship is valuable. True friends will direct each other’s life. They share sadness as well as happiness in life. When you are in trouble, true friends will not turn their back on you, instead, they will comfort you, encourage you. They are glad to see you being successful.

     True friendship is worth cherishing. It is necessary for us all to make some true friends in life.

posted on 2005-05-13 16:57  饭团的小屋  阅读(1159)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报