
1、Warning: Synthesized away the following RAM node(s):
Warning (14320): Synthesized away node "Square_FIFO:inst27|scfifo:scfifo_component|scfifo_re51:auto_generated|a_dpfifo_7231:dpfifo|dpram_d111:FIFO。。。

注释:No action is required. If you do not want Analysis & Synthesis to synthesize these nodes away, check the design to make sure the correct nodes are used to drive the design outputs.1.这个fifo被优化掉了2.原因是此fifo并不影响你任何一个顶层的信号,所以认为是无用的东西,故优化

2、Warning (332060): Node: clk_30m was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment.



posted @ 2013-11-13 16:27  huster911  阅读(890)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报