1 # dog1= {
 2 #     'name' : "aliu",
 3 #     'gender' : 'female',
 4 #     'type' : 'dog'
 5 # }
 6 # dog2= {
 7 #     'name' : "zxver",
 8 #     'gender' : 'male',
 9 #     'type' : 'dog'
10 # }
11 # people= {
12 #     'name' : "zita",
13 #     'gender' : 'female',
14 #     'type' : 'people'
15 # }
16 # def chishi(dog):
17 #     if dog['type'] == 'dog':
18 #         print("the dog [%s] is eating shit" %dog["name"])
19 #
20 # def jiao(dog):
21 #     if dog['type'] == 'dog':
22 #         print("the dog [%s] is barking"  %dog["name"])
23 #
24 # chishi(dog1)
25 # chishi(people)
26 #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It's repeatable upon
27 #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>declare the fuctional area below
29 # def dog(name,gender,type):
30 #     def chishi(dog):
31 #         print("the dog [%s] is eating shit" % dog["name"])
32 #
33 #     def jiao(dog):
34 #         print("the dog [%s] is barking" % dog["name"])
35 #     dog1 = {
36 #         'name': name,
37 #         'gender': gender,
38 #         'type': type,
39 #         'jiao': jiao,
40 #         'chishi': chishi,
41 #     }
42 #     return dog1
43 # # d1 = dog()
44 # # print(d1)
45 # # d1['chishi'](d1)
47 # d1 = dog('alex','female','dog')
48 # d2 = dog('zita','female','dog')
49 # print(d1)
50 # print(d2)
51 # d1['jiao'](d1)
52 # d2['chishi'](d2)
54 #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>use 'init' to initialize the function
56 def dog(name,gender,type):
57     def chishi(dog):
58         print("the dog [%s] is eating shit" % dog["name"])
60     def jiao(dog):
61         print("the dog [%s] is barking" % dog["name"])
62 #>>>>>>>>>Action of the class
63     def init(name,gender,type):
64         dog1 = {
65             'name': name,
66             'gender': gender,
67             'type': type,
68             'jiao': jiao,
69             'chishi': chishi,
70         }
71         return dog1
72 #>>>>>>>>>>the traits of the class
73     return init(name,gender,type)
76 d1 = dog('alex','female','dog')   #>>>>>>>>>>>define the object:include the actions and the traits
77 d2 = dog('zita','female','dog')
78 print(d1)
79 print(d2)
80 d1['jiao'](d1)
81 d2['chishi'](d2)
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the traits:name,addr,type
the actions:test,recruit,expel
conbine the actions and the traits
 1 def school(name,addr,type):
 2     def kao_shi(school):
 3         print('%s is testing' %school['name'])
 4     def zhao_sheng(school):
 5         print('%s is recruting' %school['name'])
 6     def init(name,addr,type):
 7         sch = {
 8             'name': name,
 9             'addr': addr,
10             'type': type,
11             'kao_shi': kao_shi,
12             'zhao_sheng': zhao_sheng,
13         }
14         return sch
15     return init(name,addr,type)
16 s1 = school('oldboy','chongqing','privite')
17 s2 = school('tsinghua','beijing','public')
18 print(s1)
19 print(s2)
20 s1['zhao_sheng'](s1)
21 s2['kao_shi'](s2)
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the attribute of the class:

类名.__name__# 类的名字(字符串)
类名.__doc__# 类的文档字符串
类名.__base__# 类的第一个父类(在讲继承时会讲)
类名.__bases__# 类所有父类构成的元组(在讲继承时会讲)
类名.__dict__# 类的字典属性
类名.__module__# 类定义所在的模块
类名.__class__# 实例对应的类(仅新式类中)

 1 # class Chinese:               #>>>>>>without () called classic(python2)
 2 #     'this is a chinese class'
 3 #     pass
 4 # print(Chinese)               #>>>>>><class '__main__.Chinese'>
 5 #
 6 # #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>what the instantiation do?
 7 # p1 = Chinese()
 8 # print(p1)                    #>>>>><__main__.Chinese object at 0x0000000001DD6A60>
 9 #
10 # class Chinese(object):      #>>>>with a () called new style(python3)
11 #     'this is a chinese class'
12 #     pass
13 # print(Chinese)               #>>>>>><class '__main__.Chinese'>
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the attribute of the instantiation:
no function attribute
 1 # class Chinese:
 2 #     'this is a chinese class'
 3 #     government = 'The Communist Party'
 4 #     country = 'china'
 5 #     def __init__(self,name,gender,age):
 6 #         self.name = name
 7 #         self.gender = gender
 8 #         self.age = age
 9 #     def split(self):
10 #         print('%s is spliting '%(self.name))
11 #
12 #     def eat_food(self,food):
13 #         print('%s is eating %s ' % (self.name,food))
14 #
15 # p1 = Chinese('alex','female',18)
16 # print(Chinese.government)
17 # print(dir(Chinese))
18 # print(Chinese.__dict__)
19 # print(Chinese.__dict__['government'])
20 # print(Chinese.__dict__['split'](p1))
21 # print(p1.__dict__)
22 # print(p1.name)
23 # p1.split()
24 # print(p1.government)
25 # p1.eat_food('shit')
26 # def speak(self,language):
27 #     print('%s is speaking %s'%(self.name,language))
29 #>>>>>>>>>>the Class:add,del,modify,check:
30 # print(Chinese.government)
31 # Chinese.lotion = 'China'
32 # print(Chinese.lotion)
33 # # del Chinese.lotion
34 # # print(Chinese.lotion)
35 # Chinese.spk = speak
36 # # print(Chinese.__dict__)
37 # p1.spk('english')
39 #>>>>>>>>>>the instantiation :add,del,modify,check:pr
41 # print(p1.name)
42 # print(p1.split)
43 # p1.age =18
44 # print(p1.__dict__)
45 # p1.spk1=speak
46 # print(p1.__dict__)
47 # p1.spk1(p1,'english')
48 #Dont change the baselevel dict
49 # p1.__dict__['sex']='male'
50 # print(p1.__dict__)
51 # p1.age = 19
52 # print(p1.__dict__)
53 # del p1.age
54 # print(p1.__dict__)
56 #>>>>>>define a functional area:
57 # class MyDate:
58 #     pass
59 # x=1
60 # y=10
61 # MyDate.x=1
62 # MyDate.y=2
63 # print(MyDate.__dict__)
65 #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more complicated:
66 # print(Chinese.country)
67 # p1.country = 'us'
68 # print(p1.country)         #>>>>>>>>us
69 # print(Chinese.country)    #>>>>>>>>>>..china
70 country = 'china'
71 class Chinese:
72     country = 'js'
73     l=['a','b']
74     def __init__(self,name):
75         # country = 'us'
76         print('------------>?',country)    #>>>us
77         # name = input('please input the username:')
78         #>>>>youd better not write the input or output blank here!!
79         self.name = name
80     def split(self):
81         print('%s is spliting '%(self.name))
83     def eat_food(self,food):
84         print('%s is eating %s ' % (self.name,food))
86 p1 = Chinese('alx')
87 # # p1.split()
88 # print(Chinese.country)   #>>>>>>>js
89 # p1.l =[1,2,3]             #>>>>>>add the charameter l to p1
90 p1.l.append('c')            #>>>>>>no adding so it changed the l of class
91 # print(p1)
92 print(p1.__dict__)
93 print(Chinese.__dict__)
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