Specify soname when creating shared library


The shared library soname (cont.)

Here's how to use a soname:

  1. Specify soname when creating shared library:
    $ gcc -fPIC -c -Wall -g mod1.c mod2.c mod3.c 
    $ gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libbar.so -o libfoo.so \
               mod1.o mod2.o mod3.o
    -Wl,-soname,libbar.so instructs linker to mark the shared library libfoo.so with the sonamelibbar.so.
  2. Create executable:
    $ gcc -g -Wall -o prog prog.c libfoo.so
    Linker detects that libfoo.so contains the soname libbar.soand embeds the latter name inside the executable.
  3. Run the program:
    $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./prog
    ./prog: error in loading shared libraries: 
    libbar.so: cannot open shared object file: 
    No such file or directory
    Dynamic linker cannot find anything named libbar.so.
  4. Create a symbolic link from the soname to the real name of the library:
    $ ln -s libfoo.so libbar.so
    $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./prog
    Called mod1-x1
    Called mod2-x2
At run-time thislink can point to a version of the library which is different from the version against which linking was performed.

posted @ 2016-06-25 23:41  张同光  阅读(118)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报