
/* * Array: 数组类接口 * 成员变量: * m_array 指向子类的实体数组地址 * 成员函数: * set 设置数组某一项值 * get 获取数组某一项值 * length 纯虚函数 * operator[] */ #ifndef ARRAY_H #define ARRAY_H #include "TopClass.h" #include "Exception.h" namespace DSL { template <typename T> class Array: public TopClass { protected: T* m_array; public: virtual bool set(int pos, const T& obj) { if((pos >= 0) && ( pos < length())) { m_array[pos] = obj; return 1; } else { return false; } } virtual bool get(int pos, T& obj) const { if((pos >= 0) && ( pos < length())) { obj = m_array[pos]; return 1; } else { return false; } } T& operator[] (int pos) { if((pos >= 0) && (pos < length())) { return m_array[pos]; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(IdexOutOfBoundException, "error: index is out of bound!"); } } T operator[] (int pos) const { return const_cast<Array<T>&>(*this)[pos]; } virtual int length() const = 0 ; }; } #endif

/* * StaticArray: 静态数组 * 成员变量: * m_space 定义数组实体 * * 成员函数: * StaticArray 构造函数 * StaticArray 拷贝构造函数 * operator= 赋值重载函数 * length() 长度函数 */ #ifndef STATICARRAY_H #define STATICARRAY_H #include"Array.h" namespace DSL { template <typename T, int N> class StaticArray : public Array<T> { protected: T m_space[N]; // 使用C++的原生数组 public: StaticArray() { this->m_array = m_space; } StaticArray(const StaticArray<T,N>& obj) { this->m_array = m_space; for(int i = 0; i<N; i++) { m_space[i] = obj.m_space[i]; } } StaticArray<T,N>& operator= (const StaticArray <T,N>& obj) { if(this != &obj) { for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { m_space[i] = obj.m_space[i]; } } else { return *this; } } int length() const { return N; } }; } #endif

/* * DynamicArray:动态数组模板 * 成员变量: * m_length 动态数组的实时长度 * 成员函数: * DynamicArray() 申请堆空间,初始化成员变量 * DynamicArray() 申请堆空间,初始化堆空间,初始化成员变量 * operator=() 申请堆空间,初始化堆空间,初始化成员变量,释放原始堆空间 * length() 返回动态数组长度 * resize() 申请堆空间,初始化堆空间,初始化成员变量,释放原始堆空间 * ~DynamicArray() 释放堆空间 */ #ifndef DYNAMICARRAY_H #define DYNAMICARRAY_H #include"Array.h" #include"Exception.h" namespace DSL { template <typename T> class DynamicArray: public Array<T> { protected: int m_length; public: DynamicArray(int length) { this->m_array = new T[length]; if(this->m_array != NULL) { this->m_length = length; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(NotEnoughMemoryException,"error: no enough memory to init array"); } } DynamicArray(const DynamicArray<T>& obj) { this->m_array = new T[obj.m_length]; if(this->m_array != NULL) { this->m_length = obj.m_length; for(int i = 0; i < obj.m_length; i++) { this->m_array[i] = obj.m_array[i]; } } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(NotEnoughMemoryException, "error: no enough memory to copy array"); } } DynamicArray<T>& operator=(DynamicArray<T>& obj) { if(&obj != this) { T* array = new T[obj.m_length]; if(array != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i++; i<0) { array[i] = obj.m_array[i]; } T* temp = this->m_array; // 异常安全 this->m_array = array; this->m_length = obj.m_length; delete[] temp; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(NotEnoughMemoryException, "error: no enough memory to assignment array"); } } return *this; } int length() const { return m_length; } void resize(int new_length) { if(new_length != m_length) { T* array = new T[m_length]; if(array != NULL) { int size = (m_length > new_length) ? new_length : m_length; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { array[i] = this->m_array[i]; } T* temp = this->m_array; this->m_array = array; this->m_length = new_length; delete[] temp; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(NotEnoughMemoryException, "error: no enough memory to resize array"); } } } ~DynamicArray() { delete[] this->m_array; } }; } #endif

/* * DynamicArray:动态数组模板 * 成员变量: * m_length 动态数组的实时长度 * 成员函数: * init() 初始化成员变量,抛出异常 * copy() 申请堆空间,初始化堆空间 * update() 初始化成员变量,释放堆空间 * * DynamicArray() 申请堆空间,初始化成员变量 * DynamicArray() 申请堆空间,初始化堆空间,初始化成员变量 * operator=() 申请堆空间,初始化堆空间,初始化成员变量,释放原始堆空间 * length() 返回动态数组长度 * resize() 申请堆空间,初始化堆空间,初始化成员变量,释放原始堆空间 * ~DynamicArray() 释放堆空间 */ #ifndef DYNAMICARRAY_H #define DYNAMICARRAY_H #include"Array.h" #include"Exception.h" namespace DSL { template <typename T> class DynamicArray: public Array<T> { protected: int m_length; void init(T* array, int length) { if(array != NULL) { this->m_array = array; this->m_length = length; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(NotEnoughMemoryException, "error: no enough memory "); } } T* copy(T* array, int length, int new_length) { T* ret = new T[new_length]; if(ret != NULL) { int size = (new_length > length ? length : new_length); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ret[i] = array[i]; } } return ret; } void update(T* array, int length) { if(array != NULL) { T* temp = this->m_array; this->m_array = array; this->m_length = length; delete[] temp; } } public: DynamicArray(int length) { init(new T[length],length); } DynamicArray(const DynamicArray<T>& obj) { init(copy(obj.m_array,obj.m_length,obj.m_length), obj.m_length); } DynamicArray<T>& operator=(DynamicArray<T>& obj) { if(&obj != this) { init(copy(obj.m_array,obj.m_length,obj.m_length), obj.m_length); } return *this; } int length() const { return m_length; } void resize(int new_length) { if(new_length != m_length) { update(copy(this->m_array, m_length, new_length), new_length); } } ~DynamicArray() { delete this->m_array; } }; } #endif