实验7:基于REST API的SDN北向应用实践



  1. 编写Python程序,调用OpenDaylight的北向接口实现以下功能
  • 构建拓扑

    Beryllium 版本 连接OpenDaylight
    ./distribution-karaf-0.4.4-Beryllium-SR4/bin/karaf feature:install odl-restconf odl-l2switch-switch-ui odl-openflowplugin-all odl-mdsal-apidocs odl-dlux-core odl-dlux-node odl-dlux-yangui
  • 下发指令删除s1上的流表数据。
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
if __name__ == "__main__":
    url = ''
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    res = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'admin'))
    print (res.content)
  • 下发硬超时流表,实现拓扑内主机h1和h3网络中断20s。
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
if __name__ == "__main__":
    url = ''
    with open("./timeout.json") as file:
        str = file.read()
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    res = requests.put(url, str, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'admin'))
    print (res.content)
# flowtable.json
    "flow": [
        "id": "1",
        "match": {
          "in-port": "1",
          "ethernet-match": {
            "ethernet-type": {
              "type": "0x0800"
          "ipv4-destination": ""
        "instructions": {
          "instruction": [
              "order": "0",
              "apply-actions": {
                "action": [
                    "order": "0",
                    "drop-action": {}
        "flow-name": "flow",
        "priority": "65535",
        "hard-timeout": "20",
        "cookie": "2",
        "table_id": "0"
  • 获取s1上活动的流表数。
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
if __name__ == "__main__":
    url = ''
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    res = requests.get(url,headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'admin'))
    print (res.content)
  1. 编写Python程序,调用Ryu的北向接口实现以下功能
  • 实现上述OpenDaylight实验拓扑上相同的硬超时流表下发
import requests
if __name__ == "__main__":
    url = ''
    with open("./timeout_ryu.json") as file:
        str = file.read()
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    res = requests.post(url, str, headers=headers)
    print (res.content)
# flowtable1.json
    "dpid": 1,
    "cookie": 1,
    "cookie_mask": 1,
    "table_id": 0,
    "hard_timeout": 20,
    "priority": 65535,
    "flags": 1,

  • 参考Ryu REST API的文档,基于VLAN实验的网络拓扑,编程实现相同的VLAN配置
from mininet.topo import Topo

class MyTopo(Topo):
    def __init__(self):
        # initilaize topology



        self.addLink("s1", "h1")
        self.addLink("s1", "h2")
        self.addLink("s2", "h3")
        self.addLink("s2", "h4")
        self.addLink("s1", "s2")

topos = {'mytopo': (lambda: MyTopo())}
# vlan.py
import json

import requests

if __name__ == "__main__":
    url = ''
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    flow1 = {
        "dpid": 1,
        "priority": 1,
            "in_port": 1
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",    
                "ethertype": 33024      
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",    
                "value": 4096           
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 3
    flow2 = {
        "dpid": 1,
        "priority": 1,
            "in_port": 2
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",     
                "ethertype": 33024      
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",     
                "value": 4097           
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 3
    flow3 = {
        "dpid": 1,
        "priority": 1,
            "vlan_vid": 0
                "type": "POP_VLAN",    
                "ethertype": 33024     
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 1
    flow4 = {
        "dpid": 1,
        "priority": 1,
        "match": {
            "vlan_vid": 1
        "actions": [
                "type": "POP_VLAN", 
                "ethertype": 33024  
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 2
    flow5 = {
        "dpid": 2,
        "priority": 1,
        "match": {
            "in_port": 1
        "actions": [
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN", 
                "ethertype": 33024 
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid", 
                "value": 4096  
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 3
    flow6 = {
        "dpid": 2,
        "priority": 1,
        "match": {
            "in_port": 2
        "actions": [
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",  
                "ethertype": 33024  
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",  
                "value": 4097 
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 3
    flow7 = {
        "dpid": 2,
        "priority": 1,
        "match": {
            "vlan_vid": 0
        "actions": [
                "type": "POP_VLAN", 
                "ethertype": 33024  
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 1
    flow8 = {
        "dpid": 2,
        "priority": 1,
        "match": {
            "vlan_vid": 1
        "actions": [
                "type": "POP_VLAN", 
                "ethertype": 33024  
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 2
    res1 = requests.post(url, json.dumps(flow1), headers=headers)
    res2 = requests.post(url, json.dumps(flow2), headers=headers)
    res3 = requests.post(url, json.dumps(flow3), headers=headers)
    res4 = requests.post(url, json.dumps(flow4), headers=headers)
    res5 = requests.post(url, json.dumps(flow5), headers=headers)
    res6 = requests.post(url, json.dumps(flow6), headers=headers)
    res7 = requests.post(url, json.dumps(flow7), headers=headers)
    res8 = requests.post(url, json.dumps(flow8), headers=headers)


1.本次实验难度适中,用到了之前学的OpenDaylight和Ryu的相关知识。使用curl指令时因没有安装而报错,sudo apt install curl进行安装
2.本次实验通过编写程序调用OpenDaylight REST API实现特定网络功能和编写程序调用Ryu REST API实现特定网络功能,对其功能有了更深的了解

posted @ 2022-10-26 09:36  ㅤ子落楸枰  阅读(13)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报