
create function [dbo].[f_getpy_V4] 

    @col varchar(1000) 

returns varchar(1000) 
        declare @cyc int,@len int,@sql varchar(1000),@char varbinary(20) 
        select @cyc = 1,@len = len(@col),@sql = '' 
        while @cyc <= @len  
                select @char = cast(substring(@col, @cyc, 1) as varbinary) 
                if @char>=0XB0A1 and @char<=0XB0C4      set @sql=@sql+'A' 
                else if @char>=0XB0C5 and @char<=0XB2C0 set @sql=@sql+'B' 
                else if @char>=0XB2C1 and @char<=0XB4ED set @sql=@sql+'C' 
                else if @char>=0XB4EE and @char<=0XB6E9 set @sql=@sql+'D' 
                else if @char>=0XB6EA and @char<=0XB7A1 set @sql=@sql+'E' 
                else if @char>=0XB7A2 and @char<=0XB8C0 set @sql=@sql+'F' 
                else if @char>=0XB8C1 and @char<=0XB9FD set @sql=@sql+'G' 
                else if @char>=0XB9FE and @char<=0XBBF6 set @sql=@sql+'H' 
                else if @char>=0XBBF7 and @char<=0XBFA5 set @sql=@sql+'J' 
                else if @char>=0XBFA6 and @char<=0XC0AB set @sql=@sql+'K' 
                else if @char>=0XC0AC and @char<=0XC2E7 set @sql=@sql+'L' 
                else if @char>=0XC2E8 and @char<=0XC4C2 set @sql=@sql+'M' 
                else if @char>=0XC4C3 and @char<=0XC5B5 set @sql=@sql+'N' 
                else if @char>=0XC5B6 and @char<=0XC5BD set @sql=@sql+'O' 
                else if @char>=0XC5BE and @char<=0XC6D9 set @sql=@sql+'P' 
                else if @char>=0XC6DA and @char<=0XC8BA set @sql=@sql+'Q' 
                else if @char>=0XC8BB and @char<=0XC8F5 set @sql=@sql+'R' 
                else if @char>=0XC8F6 and @char<=0XCBF9 set @sql=@sql+'S' 
                else if @char>=0XCBFA and @char<=0XCDD9 set @sql=@sql+'T' 
                else if @char>=0XCDDA and @char<=0XCEF3 set @sql=@sql+'W' 
                else if @char>=0XCEF4 and @char<=0XD1B8 set @sql=@sql+'X' 
                else if @char>=0XD1B9 and @char<=0XD4D0 set @sql=@sql+'Y' 
                else if @char>=0XD4D1 and @char<=0XD7F9 set @sql=@sql+'Z' 
                set @cyc = @cyc + 1  
        return @sql 

posted @ 2014-07-25 09:33  山清石玉  阅读(535)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报