

#include <iostream.h>
struct jose
 int data;
 int no;
 struct jose * next;

int main()
 struct jose *head,*p_curent,*p_find;
 int n,m;
 cout << "Please enter the total of numbers (n):";
 cin >> n;
 cout << "Please enter the counter number (m):";
 cin >> m;
 head=p_curent=new jose;//标记首表元地址,即头指针
 cout << "Please enter the first number :";
 cin >>head->data;
 cout << "Please enter last numbers :"<<endl;
 for (int i=2;i<=n;i++)
  p_curent->next=new jose;
  cin >> p_curent->data;
 }//end for

 cout << "Now : The  numbers of who will quit the cycle in turn are:"<<endl;
 while (n)//全部出列后结束循环
  for (int j=1;j<m;j++)
   p_curent=p_curent->next;//end for
  cout << p_find->data<<endl;
  delete p_find;
 //end while
 return 0;

转载于 http://www.cppblog.com/jeonchen/articles/7070.html

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