实验4 继承


  • 基类Graph的成员函数draw()前面不加关键字virtual时


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <typeinfo> 
 3 /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
 4 class Graph
 5 {
 6     public:
 7         void draw()
 8         {
 9             std::cout<<"Graph::draw() : just as an interface\n";
10         }
11 };
12 class Rectangle :public Graph
13 {
14     public :
15         void draw()
16         {
17             std::cout<<"Rectangle::draw() : programes of draw a rectangle\n";
18         }
19 };
20 class Circle : public Graph
21 {
22     public :
23         void draw()
24         {
25             std::cout<<"Circle::draw() : programes of draw a circle\n";
26         }
27 };
28 void fun(Graph *ptr)
29 {
30     //获取运行时指针变量ptr的类型信息
31     std::cout<<"pointer type: "<<typeid(ptr).name()<<std::endl;//typeid可以用于获取运行时类型信息。
32     //获取运行时指针变量ptr实际指向的对象的类型信息。
33     //RTTI,Runtime Type Info的首字母缩写,运行时类型信息.
34     std::cout<<"RTTI type: "<<typeid(*ptr).name()<<std::endl;
35     ptr->draw();
36 }
38 int main() {
39     Graph g1;
40     Rectangle r1;
41     Circle c1;
42     g1.draw();
43     r1.draw();
44     c1.draw();
45     std::cout<<std::endl;
46     r1.Graph::draw();
47     c1.Graph::draw();
48     std::cout<<std::endl;
49     fun(&g1);
50     fun(&r1);
51     fun(&c1);
52 }




  同名覆盖原则:LINE7、15、23分别是3个同名函数的定义,在调用时,如果像LINE42、43、44那样不添加作用域,直接调用的话,调用的是继承类中的同名函数,即继承类中同名函数将基类同名             函数覆盖。



  • 基类Graph的成员函数draw()前面加关键字virtual时


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <typeinfo> 
 3 /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
 4 class Graph
 5 {
 6     public:
 7         virtual void draw()
 8         {
 9             std::cout<<"Graph::draw() : just as an interface\n";
10         }
11 };
12 class Rectangle :public Graph
13 {
14     public :
15         void draw()
16         {
17             std::cout<<"Rectangle::draw() : programes of draw a rectangle\n";
18         }
19 };
20 class Circle : public Graph
21 {
22     public :
23         void draw()
24         {
25             std::cout<<"Circle::draw() : programes of draw a circle\n";
26         }
27 };
28 void fun(Graph *ptr)
29 {
30     //获取运行时指针变量ptr的类型信息
31     std::cout<<"pointer type: "<<typeid(ptr).name()<<std::endl;//typeid可以用于获取运行时类型信息。
32     //获取运行时指针变量ptr实际指向的对象的类型信息。
33     //RTTI,Runtime Type Info的首字母缩写,运行时类型信息.
34     std::cout<<"RTTI type: "<<typeid(*ptr).name()<<std::endl;
35     ptr->draw();
36 }
38 int main() {
39     Graph g1;
40     Rectangle r1;
41     Circle c1;
42     g1.draw();
43     r1.draw();
44     c1.draw();
45     std::cout<<std::endl;
46     r1.Graph::draw();
47     c1.Graph::draw();
48     std::cout<<std::endl;
49     fun(&g1);
50     fun(&r1);
51     fun(&c1);
52 }



  •  对比:见红线标出



  • battery.hpp
 1 #ifndef BATTERY_HPP
 2 #define BATTERY_HPP
 3 #include <iostream>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 class Battery
 6 {
 7     private:
 8         int capacity;
 9         public:
10             Battery(int c);
11             int get_capacity();
12             ~Battery(){
13             };
14 };
15 Battery::Battery(int c=70):capacity(c){
16 }
17 int Battery::get_capacity(){
18     return capacity;
19 }
20 #endif
  • car.hpp
 1 #ifndef CAR_HPP
 2 #define CAR_HPP
 3 #include <iostream>
 4 #include <iomanip>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 class Car{
 7     protected:
 8         string maker;
 9         string model;
10         int year;
11         int odometers;
12         public:
13             Car(string ma,string mo,int y);
14             void info();
15             void update_odometers(int o);
16             ~Car(){
17             };
18 };
19 Car::Car(string ma,string mo,int y):maker(ma),model(mo),year(y),odometers(0){
20 }
21 void Car::info(){
22     cout<<setiosflags(ios::left);
23     cout<<setw(15)<<"maker:"<<maker<<endl;
24     cout<<setw(15)<<"model:"<<model<<endl;
25     cout<<setw(15)<<"year:"<<year<<endl;
26     cout<<setw(15)<<"odometers:"<<odometers<<endl;
27 }
28 void Car::update_odometers(int o){
29     if(o<odometers)
30     {
31         cout<<"更新数值有误!"<<endl;
32     }
33     else
34     {
35         odometers=o;
36     }
37 }
38 #endif
  • electricCar.hpp
 3 #include <iostream>
 4 //#include <manip>
 5 #include "battery.hpp"
 6 #include "car.hpp"
 7 class ElectriCar:public Car{
 8     protected:
 9         Battery battery;
10     public:
11         ElectriCar(string ma,string mo,int y,int b=70):Car(ma,mo,y),battery(b){
12         };
13         void info();
14 };
15 void ElectriCar::info()
16 {
17     cout<<setiosflags(ios::left);
18     cout<<setw(15)<<"maker:"<<maker<<endl;
19     cout<<setw(15)<<"model:"<<model<<endl;
20     cout<<setw(15)<<"year:"<<year<<endl;
21     cout<<setw(15)<<"odometers:"<<odometers<<endl;
22     cout<<setw(15)<<"capacity:"<<battery.get_capacity()<<"-kWh"<<endl;
23 }
24 #endif
  •  task3.cpp
 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include "electriCar.hpp"
 3 #include"car.hpp"
 4 int main()
 5 {
 6     using namespace std;
 8     // test class of Car
 9     Car oldcar("MAYBACH", "s450", 2016);
10     cout << "--------oldcar's info--------" << endl;
11     oldcar.update_odometers(25000);
13     oldcar.info();
15     cout << endl;
17     // test class of ElectricCar
18     ElectriCar newcar("Audi", "q2le-tron", 2016);
19     newcar.update_odometers(2500);
21     cout << "\n--------newcar's info--------\n";
22     newcar.info();
23 }






  • task3.cpp
 1 #ifndef CAR_HPP
 2 #define CAR_HPP
 3 #include <iostream>
 4 #include <iomanip>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 class Car{
 7     protected:
 8         string maker;
 9         string model;
10         int year;
11         int odometers;
12         public:
13             Car(string ma,string mo,int y);
14             void info();
15             void update_odometers(int o);
16             ~Car(){
17             };
18 };
19 Car::Car(string ma,string mo,int y):maker(ma),model(mo),year(y),odometers(0){
20 }
21 void Car::info(){
22     cout<<setiosflags(ios::left);
23     cout<<setw(15)<<"maker:"<<maker<<endl;
24     cout<<setw(15)<<"model:"<<model<<endl;
25     cout<<setw(15)<<"year:"<<year<<endl;
26     cout<<setw(15)<<"odometers:"<<odometers<<endl;
27 }
28 void Car::update_odometers(int o){
29     if(o<odometers)
30     {
31         cout<<"更新数值有误!"<<endl;
32     }
33     else
34     {
35         odometers=o;
36     }
37 }
38 #endif




  • pets.hpp
 1 #ifndef PETS_HPP
 2 #define PETS_HPP
 3 #include <iostream>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 class MachinePets{
 6     private:
 7         string nickname;
 8     public:
 9         MachinePets(const string s):nickname(s){
10         };
11         string get_nickname() const{return nickname;};
12         virtual string talk(){
13         };
14         ~MachinePets(){
15         };
16 };
17 class PetCats:public MachinePets{
18     public :
19         PetCats(const string s):MachinePets(s){
20         };
21         string talk(){
22             return "miao wu~";
23         }
24 };
25 class PetDogs:public MachinePets{
26     public :
27         PetDogs(const string s):MachinePets(s){
28         };
29         string talk(){
30             return "wang wang~";
31         }
32 };
33 #endif
  • task4.cpp
 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include "pets.hpp"
 4 void play(MachinePets *ptr)
 5 {
 6     std::cout << ptr->get_nickname() << " says " << ptr->talk() << std::endl;
 7 }
 9 int main()
10 {
11     PetCats cat("miku");
12     PetDogs dog("da huang");
14     play(&cat);
15     play(&dog);
16 }



posted @ 2021-11-29 19:55  敲代码的喵  阅读(13)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报