
SQL> select  t3.program,t2.sid,t2.ID1,t2.ctime
        (select sid, type, id1, id2, lmode, request, ctime
           from v$lock
          where sid in (select sid
                          from v$lock
                         where TYPE = 'TX'
                           and LMODE = 6)
                           and type='TM') t2,
        v$session t3
  where t2.sid = t3.sid;  2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11  

PROGRAM 						SID	   ID1	    CTIME
------------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
sqlplus@june (TNS V1-V3)				  1	 75517	     6713
sqlplus@june (TNS V1-V3)				 38	 75206	     1584


SQL>  select  t3.program,t1.sid,t1.ID1,t1.ctime
   from v$lock t1,(select sid
                          from v$lock
                         where TYPE = 'TX'
                           and LMODE = 6
                           group by sid) t2,v$session t3
                           t1.sid = t3.sid
                           and t2.sid=t1.sid
                           and t1.type='TM';
                          2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10  
PROGRAM 						SID	   ID1	    CTIME
------------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
sqlplus@june (TNS V1-V3)				  1	 75517	     6718
sqlplus@june (TNS V1-V3)				 38	 75206	     1589

posted @ 2014-01-23 20:35  czcb  阅读(129)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报