[Study Note] Patterns in Practice 20100403

[Object Role Stereotypes]

Responsibility-Driven Design

CRC Cards, Class or Candidate/Responsibility/Collaborators

Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD)

Objects are not just simple bundles of logic and data. They are responsible members of an object community.

Stereotype Description
Information Holder Knows things and provides information. May make calculations from the data that it holds.
Structurer Knows the relationships between other objects.
Controller Controls and directs the actions of other objects. Decides what other objects should do.
Coordinator Reacts to events and relays the events to other objects.
Service Provider Does a service for other objects upon request.
Interfacer Objects that provide a means to communicate with other parts of the system, external systems or infrastructure, or end users.

Information Holder

Money pattern/Whole Value

The entity and value objects in a rich domain model are a common example of information holders.

designing around behavior rather than designing from a data-centric viewpoint.


The job of a structure is to track, store, and maintain relationships between objects.

Dictionary<T, U>

keep the structurer’s responsibility completely separate from the business processes that consume the objects held by the structure.

Service Provider

A service provider knows how to perform a task on behalf of another object, but it’s generally passive while it waits to be activated by some other class.


Facade pattern

The interfacer role is effectivel a mediator used to  simplify communication with another system or subsystem.


A coordinator reacts to events and relays commands to other objects.


A controller object directs the actions of other classes. A controller is differentiated from a coordinator by the level of control.

Using Object Role Stereotypes Effectively

posted on 2010-04-03 22:56  zhaorui  阅读(171)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
