
COMP9024 22T2 Assignment
Data Structures and Algorithms

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The Assignment

Subset 0 - Dependencies

Before we can start crawling we need to be able to store our crawled data. As the internet is a Graph, this means we need a Graph ADT. We will also need a Set ADT and one of a Queue ADT or a Stack ADT in order to perform web scraping (for a BFS or DFS).

Subset 0a - Implement List (Queue, Stack, Set) ADT


You have been provided with a file list.h. Examine the given list.h file carefully. It provides the interface to an ADT that will provide Queue, Stack, and Set functionality.

  • You should create the file list.c to implement this ADT.
  • Your list ADT should store string (char *) data.
  • You may use the string.h library and other standard libraries from the weekly exercises.
  • You are required to dynamically allocate memory in your ADT for full style marks.

You can use whatever internal representation you like for your list ADT.

You can reuse the code previously submitted for weekly assessments in your list ADT.

As a reminder:

  • Queue - First In, First Out
  • Stack - First In, Last Out
  • Set - Only stores unique values.

See list.h for more information about each function that you are required to implement.

Remember that you cannot modify list.h.

You should write programs that use the list ADT to test and debug your code.

Subset 0b - Implement Graph ADT


You have been provided with a file graph.h. Examine the given graph.h file carefully. It provides the interface to an ADT that will provide Graph functionality.

  • You should create the file graph.c to implement this ADT.
  • Your graph ADT should store string (char *) data in its vertices.
  • You may use the string.h library and other standard libraries from the weekly exercises.
  • You are required to dynamically allocate memory in your ADT for full style marks.

Subset 2 - PageRank

Subset 3 - Degrees of Separation (Shortest Path)



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