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作者联系方式:李先静 <xianjimli at hotmail dot com>


Gclassfactory: gobject代码产生器。
gclassfactory is a code generator, it reads a gobject description file(in XML format) and generates the gobject source code.

Dotdesktop: dotdesktop配置文件读写函数库。
Dotdesktop library provides ability to parse desktop entry file and access the information in a convenient way. Desktop entry file format is defined by freedesktop.org, it is used to describe information about an application such as the name and icon.

Lyric-lite: 歌词解析器。
A lyric library write in C, it provides ability to parse lyric file and access the information in a convenient way. Its main goal is to provide lyric support for embeded devices, such audio player in mp3 device and mobile phone.


posted on 2007-09-10 21:19  张云临  阅读(103)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
