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The IPolynomialXform interface provides methods and properties used to create the PolynomialXform object and perform error analysis of the polynomial transformation.

You can create a PolynomialXform in two ways: One is to use DefineFromControlPoints with two sets of control points, one being source and one being target, to construct a polynomial. The other way is to set the polynomial coefficients directly using DefineFromCoefficients if the polynomial coefficients are known.

A polynomial transformation is an approximate transformation and the IPolynomialXform interface provides two ways to calculate the system residuals and RMS. One is based on the control points using GetSystemResidual and GetSystemRMS methods; and the other is based on a set of check points using CheckResidualRMS method.

posted on 2011-05-04 09:32  GIS的学习  阅读(730)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报