
  • 姓名:张一鸣
  • 学号:201821121050
  • 班级:计算1812

1. 实验环境介绍


  • 操作系统:Microsoft Windows 10
  • 平台: Cygwin

2. 常用命令使用

  • man


  • help



3. 剖析ps命令

(1) man ps

       ps — report process status

       ps [−aA] [−defl] [−g grouplist] [−G grouplist]
           [−n namelist] [−o format]... [−p proclist] [−t termlist]
           [−u userlist] [−U userlist]
       The ps  utility  shall  conform  to  the  Base  Definitions  volume  of
       POSIX.12008, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

       The following options shall be supported:

       −a        Write  information  for all processes associated with termi‐
                 nals.  Implementations may omit  session  leaders  from  this

       −A        Write information for all processes.

       −d        Write information for all processes, except session leaders.

       −e        Write information for all processes.  (Equivalent to −A.)

       −f        Generate  a  full  listing.  (See  the STDOUT section for the
                 contents of a full listing.)

       −g grouplist
                 Write information for processes  whose  session  leaders  are
                 given  in  grouplist.   The application shall ensure that the
                 grouplist is a single argument in the form of  a  <blank>  or
                 <comma>-separated list.

       −G grouplist
                 Write  information  for processes whose real group ID numbers
                 are given in grouplist.  The application  shall  ensure  that
                 the  grouplist  is a single argument in the form of a <blank>
                 or <comma>-separated list.

       −l        Generate a long listing. (See STDOUT for the  contents  of  a
                 long listing.)

       −n namelist
                 Specify  the  name  of an alternative system namelist file in
                 place of the default. The name of the default  file  and  the
                 format of a namelist file are unspecified.

       −o format Write information according to the format specification given
                 in format.  This is fully described in  the  STDOUT  section.
                 Multiple  −o options can be specified; the format specifica‐
                 tion shall be interpreted as the <space>-separated  concate‐
                 nation of all the format option-arguments.

       −p proclist
                 Write  information for processes whose process ID numbers are
                 given in proclist.  The application  shall  ensure  that  the
                 proclist  is  a  single  argument in the form of a <blank> or
                 <comma>-separated list.

       −t termlist
                 Write information for  processes  associated  with  terminals
                 given  in  termlist.   The  application shall ensure that the
                 termlist is a single argument in the form  of  a  <blank>  or
                 <comma>-separated  list.  Terminal identifiers shall be given
                 in an implementation-defined format.  On XSI-conformant sys‐
                 tems,  they  shall be given in one of two forms: the device's
                 filename (for example, tty04) or, if  the  device's  filename
                 starts with tty, just the identifier following the characters
                 tty (for example, "04").

       −u userlist
                 Write information for processes whose user ID numbers or lo‐
                 gin  names are given in userlist.  The application shall en‐
                 sure that the userlist is a single argument in the form of  a
                 <blank>  or  <comma>-separated list. In the listing, the nu‐
                 merical user ID shall be written  unless  the  −f  option  is
                 used, in which case the login name shall be written.

       −U userlist
                 Write information for processes whose real user ID numbers or
                 login names are given in  userlist.   The  application  shall
                 ensure  that the userlist is a single argument in the form of
                 a <blank> or <comma>-separated list.



运行ps -ef





UID      :用户ID

PID      :程序的 ID 

PPID    :上级父程序的ID

STIME :系统启动时间

TTY     :登入者的终端机位置

CMD   :所下达的指令

运行ps aux








4. 通过该实验产生新的疑问及解答


后来在做打印man ps目录的时候,显示无此手册,我重新安装man包也没法实现,最后在同学的解答下安装了一个新的包取代原来的man包,解决了问题。




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