[Linked List]Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree

Total Accepted: 57775 Total Submissions: 198972 Difficulty: Medium


Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST.

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * struct TreeNode {
 *     int val;
 *     TreeNode *left;
 *     TreeNode *right;
 *     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    int getListNodeLength(ListNode* head)
        int len = 0;
            head = head->next;
        return len;
    TreeNode* sortedListToBST(ListNode* head) {
            return NULL;
            return new TreeNode(head->val);
        int len = getListNodeLength(head);
        int cnt = len/2;
        ListNode* cur      = head;
            cur = cur->next;
        ListNode* mid  = cur->next;
        ListNode* head2= mid->next;
        cur->next      = NULL;
        mid->next      = NULL;

        TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(mid->val);
        root->left     = sortedListToBST(head);
        root->right    = sortedListToBST(head2);
        return root;
posted @ 2015-12-12 20:54  zengzy  阅读(134)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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