
  1 // binary_tree.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
  2 //
  3 #include<iostream>
  4 #include<stack>
  5 #include<queue>
  6 using namespace std;
  7 class binary_node
  8 {
  9 public:
 10     int value;
 11     binary_node *left,*right;
 13     binary_node(){};
 14     binary_node(int v,binary_node*l ,binary_node* r)
 15     {
 16         value = v;
 17         left = l;
 18         right = r;
 19     }
 20     void visit()
 21     {
 22         cout<<value<<' ';
 23     }
 24 };
 26 void pre_order_r(binary_node* root)
 27 {
 28     static int count = 0;
 29     count++;
 30     //cout<<count<<' ';
 31     //if(root == NULL)
 32     //    return;
 33     root->visit();
 34     if(root->left)
 35         pre_order_r(root->left);
 36     if(root->right)
 37         pre_order_r(root->right);
 38 }
 40 void in_order_r(binary_node* root)
 41 {
 42     //if(root == NULL)
 43     //    return;
 44     if(root->left)
 45         in_order_r(root->left);
 46     root->visit();
 47     if(root->right)
 48         in_order_r(root->right);
 49 }
 51 void post_order_r(binary_node* root)
 52 {
 53     //if(root == NULL)
 54     //    return;
 55     if(root->left)
 56         post_order_r(root->left);
 57     if(root->right)
 58         post_order_r(root->right);
 59     root->visit();
 60 }
 62 void pre_order_nr(binary_node * root)
 63 {
 64     stack<binary_node*> bin_stack;
 65     int count = 0;
 66     while(root != NULL || !bin_stack.empty())
 67     {
 68         count++;
 69         if(root == NULL)
 70         {
 71             root = bin_stack.top();
 72             bin_stack.pop();
 73         }
 74         else
 75         {
 76             root->visit();
 77             bin_stack.push(root->right);
 78             root = root->left;
 79         }
 80     }
 81     cout<<"count = "<<count;
 82 }
 84 void pre_order_nr2(binary_node *root)
 85 {
 86     stack<binary_node*> bin_stack;
 87     int count = 0;
 88     bin_stack.push(NULL);
 89     while(root != NULL)
 90     {
 91         count++;
 92         {
 93             root->visit();
 94             if(root->right)
 95                 bin_stack.push(root->right);
 96             if(root->left)
 97                 root = root->left;
 98             else{
 99                 root = bin_stack.top();
100                 bin_stack.pop();
101             }
102         }
103     }
104     cout<<"count = "<<count;
105 }
107 void in_order_nr(binary_node* root)
108 {
109     stack<binary_node*> bin_stack;
110     int count = 0;
111     while(root != NULL || !bin_stack.empty())
112     {
113         count++;
114         if(root == NULL)
115         {
116             root = bin_stack.top();
117             bin_stack.pop();
118             root->visit();
119             root = root->right;
120         }
121         else
122         {
123             bin_stack.push(root);
124             root = root->left;
125         }
126     }
127     cout<<"count = "<<count;
128 }
130 void in_order_nr2(binary_node* root)//这样好像不行
131 {
132     stack<binary_node*> bin_stack;
133     int count = 0;
134     while(root != NULL || !bin_stack.empty())
135     {
136         count++;
137         if(root == NULL)
138         {
139             root = bin_stack.top();
140             bin_stack.pop();
141             root->visit();
142             if(root->right)
143                 root = root->right;
144         }
145         else
146         {
147             bin_stack.push(root);
148             if(root->left)
149                 root = root->left;
150         }
151     }
152     cout<<"count = "<<count;
153 }
155 void level_order(binary_node *root)
156 {
157     queue<binary_node*> bin_queue;
158     bin_queue.push(root);
159     while(!bin_queue.empty())
160     {
161         root = bin_queue.front();
162         bin_queue.pop();
163         root->visit();    
164         if(root->left)
165             bin_queue.push(root->left);
166         if(root->right)
167             bin_queue.push(root->right);    
168     }
169 }
171 void level_order2(binary_node *root)//这个方法明显不如上一种简洁,有点软件流水线的感觉。。。
172 {
173     queue<binary_node*> bin_queue;
174     do
175     {        
176         if(root->left)
177             bin_queue.push(root->left);
178         if(root->right)
179             bin_queue.push(root->right);    
180         root->visit();
181         if(!bin_queue.empty())
182         {
183             root = bin_queue.front();
184             bin_queue.pop();    
185         }
186     }while(!bin_queue.empty());
187     root->visit();
188 }
190 void level_order3(binary_node *root)//还是第一种最简洁
191 {
192     queue<binary_node*> bin_queue;
193     while(!bin_queue.empty() || root)
194     {
195         if(root == NULL)
196         {
197             root = bin_queue.front();
198             bin_queue.pop();
199         }
200         else{
201             root->visit();
202             bin_queue.push(root->left);
203             bin_queue.push(root->right);    
204         }
205         if(!bin_queue.empty())
206         {
207             root = bin_queue.front();
208             bin_queue.pop();
209         }
210     }
211 }
213 int main()
214 {
215     const int size = 7;
216     binary_node *node_array = new binary_node[size]();//写成node_array[]就不行
217     int i;
218     for(i = 0; i < size/2; i++)
219     {
220         node_array[i].value = i;
221         node_array[i].left = &node_array[2 * i + 1];
222         node_array[i].right = &node_array[2 * i + 2]; 
223     }
224     for(i;i<size;i++)
225     {
226         node_array[i].value = i;
227         node_array[i].left = node_array[i].right = NULL;
228     }
229     cout<<"pre_r: ";
230     pre_order_r(&node_array[0]);
231     cout<<endl;
233     cout<<"pre_nr: ";
234     pre_order_nr(&node_array[0]);
235     cout<<endl;
237     cout<<"pre_nr2: ";
238     pre_order_nr2(&node_array[0]);
239     cout<<endl;
241     cout<<"in_r: ";
242     in_order_r(&node_array[0]);
243     cout<<endl;
245     cout<<"in_nr: ";
246     in_order_nr(&node_array[0]);
247     cout<<endl;
249     cout<<"post_r: ";
250     post_order_r(&node_array[0]);
251     cout<<endl;
253     cout<<"level:";
254     level_order(&node_array[0]);
255     cout<<endl;
257     cout<<"level2:";
258     level_order2(&node_array[0]);
259     cout<<endl;
261     cout<<"level3:";
262     level_order3(&node_array[0]);
263     cout<<endl;
265     return 0;
266 }


posted on 2013-09-30 20:36  zcranberry  阅读(177)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
