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偏移 说明
000 指向SEH链指针
004 线程堆栈顶部
008 线程堆栈底部
00C SubSystemTib
010 FiberData
014 ArbitraryUserPointer
018 FS段寄存器在内存中的镜像地址
020 进程PID
024 线程ID
02C 指向线程局部存储指针
030 PEB结构地址(进程结构)
034 上个错误号

mov eax,fs:[0x18]     ; 获得当前线程的TEB地址
mov eax,[eax+0x30]    ; 在TEB偏移30h获得PEB地址

TIB+18h 是TIB的反身指针  指向PEB的首地址 因此可省略而直接使用fs:[30h] 得到自己进程的PEB

从XP SP2 引入  不同进程的PEB地址会不一样    所以不能用  本进程的FS:[28H] 的指针去读取其他进程的内容

如果是用这种方式去获得PEB的话   还要去循环验证是否为 kernel32.dll

		mov eax,fs:[0x18]    //获得FS段寄存器在内存中的镜像地址,即TEB的地址
		mov pTeb,eax    
所以不采用这种方式  在 计算机病毒揭秘  中  去寻找API地址   采用 先找 kernel32.dll  在去找API地址




struct _TEB, 66 elements, 0xfb8 bytes
   +0x000 NtTib            : struct _NT_TIB, 8 elements, 0x1c bytes
      +0x000 ExceptionList    : Ptr32 to struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD,2 elements, 0x8 bytes
         +0x000 Next             : Ptr32 to struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD, 2 elements, 0x8 bytes
         +0x004 Handler          : Ptr32 to           _EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION 
      +0x004 StackBase        : Ptr32 to Void
      +0x008 StackLimit       : Ptr32 to Void
      +0x00c SubSystemTib     : Ptr32 to Void
      +0x010 FiberData        : Ptr32 to Void
      +0x010 Version          : Uint4B

MOV EAX,FS:0==>EAX=0              (SoftICE中)
MOV EAX,FS:[0]==>EAX=指向SEH的指针,如0x0012FFB0

在 masm32 中,fs:0 和 fs:[0] 是完全相同的。  在用之前  用  assume fs:nothing编译器不同导致

下面是通过扫描 kernel32.dll获得   MessageBoxA   ExitProcess  LoadLibraryA 函数地址   当然 我们可以修改其中的digest  找到 LoadLibraryA  和  GetProcaddress  地址例子:

int main()
			CLD					; clear flag DF
			;store hash
			push 0x1e380a6a		;hash of MessageBoxA
			push 0x4fd18963		;hash of ExitProcess
			push 0x0c917432		;hash of LoadLibraryA   这里添加你想要的函数  EG: LoadLibraryA  GetProcaddress   最后在[EDI-0xX]就是函数的地址   
			mov esi,esp			; esi = addr of first function hash 
			lea edi,[esi-0xc]	; edi = addr to start writing function 


			; make some stack space
			xor ebx,ebx
			mov bh, 0x04 			 
			sub esp, ebx 

			; push a pointer to "user32" onto stack 
			mov bx, 0x3233 		; rest of ebx is null 
			push ebx 
			push 0x72657375 
			push esp 
			xor edx,edx

		; find base addr of kernel32.dll 
			mov ebx, fs:[edx + 0x30] 	; ebx = address of PEB 
			mov ecx, [ebx + 0x0c] 		; ecx = pointer to loader data 
			mov ecx, [ecx + 0x1c] 		; ecx = first entry in initialisation order list 
			mov ecx, [ecx] 				; ecx = second entry in list (kernel32.dll) 
			mov ebp, [ecx + 0x08] 		; ebp = base address of kernel32.dll 
			lodsd 					; load next hash into al and increment esi 
			cmp eax, 0x1e380a6a		; hash of MessageBoxA - trigger 
									; LoadLibrary("user32") 
			jne find_functions 
			xchg eax, ebp 			; save current hash 
			call [edi - 0x8] 		; LoadLibraryA 
			xchg eax, ebp 			; restore current hash, and update ebp 
									; with base address of user32.dll 
			pushad 						; preserve registers 
			mov eax, [ebp + 0x3c]		; eax = start of PE header 
			mov ecx, [ebp + eax + 0x78]	; ecx = relative offset of export table 
			add ecx, ebp 				; ecx = absolute addr of export table 
			mov ebx, [ecx + 0x20] 		; ebx = relative offset of names table 
			add ebx, ebp 				; ebx = absolute addr of names table 
			xor edi, edi 				; edi will count through the functions 

			inc edi 					; increment function counter 
			mov esi, [ebx + edi * 4] 	; esi = relative offset of current function name 
			add esi, ebp 				; esi = absolute addr of current function name 
			cdq 						; dl will hold hash (we know eax is small) 
			movsx eax, byte ptr[esi]
			cmp al,ah
			jz compare_hash
			ror edx,7
			add edx,eax
			inc esi
			jmp hash_loop

			cmp edx, [esp + 0x1c] 		; compare to the requested hash (saved on stack from pushad) 
			jnz next_function_loop 
			mov ebx, [ecx + 0x24] 		; ebx = relative offset of ordinals table 
			add ebx, ebp 				; ebx = absolute addr of ordinals table 
			mov di, [ebx + 2 * edi] 	; di = ordinal number of matched function 
			mov ebx, [ecx + 0x1c] 		; ebx = relative offset of address table 
			add ebx, ebp 				; ebx = absolute addr of address table 
			add ebp, [ebx + 4 * edi] 	; add to ebp (base addr of module) the 
										; relative offset of matched function 
			xchg eax, ebp 				; move func addr into eax 
			pop edi 					; edi is last onto stack in pushad 
			stosd 						; write function addr to [edi] and increment edi 
			push edi 
			popad					; restore registers 
					 				; loop until we reach end of last hash 
			cmp eax,0x1e380a6a
			jne find_lib_functions 

			xor ebx,ebx
			push ebx			// cut string
			push 0x74736577
			push 0x6C696166		//push failwest
			mov eax,esp			//load address of failwest
			push ebx	
			push eax
			push eax
			push ebx
			call [edi - 0x04] ; //call MessageboxA
			push ebx
			call [edi - 0x08] ; // call ExitProcess

posted on 2013-08-01 17:54  zcc1414  阅读(165)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报