

 1 {
 2   "pages":[
 3     "pages/页面1/页面1",
 4     "pages/页面2/页面2",
 5   ],
 6   "window":{
 7     "backgroundTextStyle":"light",//文本背景样式
 8     "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "White",//导航背景颜色
 9     "navigationBarTitleText": "WeChat",//导航背景标题
10     "navigationBarTextStyle":"black",//导航背景文本样式
11     "enablePullDownRefresh": true//是否开启下拉刷新
12   },
13   "tabBar": {//底部菜单栏最多5个
14     "color": "#000",
15     "selectedColor": "#000000",
16     "backgroundColor": "#efefef",
17     "borderStyle": "White",
18     "list": [{
19         "pagePath": "pages/shopping/shopping",
20         "iconPath": "images/scshop_i.png",
21         "selectedIconPath": "images/scshop.png",
22         "text": "商城"
23       },{
24         "pagePath": "pages/shopcar/shopcar",
25         "iconPath": "images/shopca.png",
26         "selectedIconPath": "images/shopcar.png",
27         "text": "购物车"
28       },{
29       "pagePath": "pages/index/index",
30       "iconPath": "images/latest.png",
31       "selectedIconPath": "images/latest_on.png",
32       "text": "我的"
33     }]
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35 "networkTimeout": {//网络请求时间
36   "request": 20000,
37   "connectSocket": 20000,
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40 },
41 "debug":true
42 }


 1 var appUserinfo;
 2 var openid = '';
 3 var sessionkey = '';
 4 var encryptedData = '';
 5 var iv = '';
 6 App({
 7 //用户登录
 8 getUserInfo: function (callback) {
 9     //调用登录接口
10   var retuser = {};
11   var that = this;
12   wx.showLoading({ title: "加载中..." });
13     wx.login({
14       success: function (res) {
15         var code = res.code;
16         if (code) {
17           //读取会员信息
18           wx.request({
19             url: "https"+aspx,// 通过获取code来换取session_key
20             data: {
21               code: code,
22             },
23             success: function (res) {//res返回值获得session_key&openid
24               console.log(res)
25               var retdata = res.data.data;
26               openid = retdata.openid,
27                 sessionkey = retdata.session_key;
28               //设置微信用户信息
29               wx.getUserInfo({
30                 success: function (res) {
31                   encryptedData = res.encryptedData;
32                   iv = res.iv;
33                   appUserinfo = res.userInfo
34                   wx.request({
35                     url: "https"+aspx,//通过session_key来换取公众号信息
36                     data: {
37                       openid:openid,
38                       unionid:encryptedData,//解析unionid(md5加密&解密获得)
39                       sessionkey:sessionkey,
40                       iv:iv,
41                       appid: 'wx758e9825590dc405'
42                     },
43                     dataType: "json",
44                     success: function (ret) {
45                       wx.hideLoading();
46                       var retdata = ret.data;
47                       for (var key in retdata) {
48                         retuser[key] = retdata[key];
49                       }
50                       retuser.littleid = retuser.uid;//换取公众平台用户的id信息
51                       retuser.openid=openid;
52                       callback && callback(retuser);
53                     }
54                   });
55                 },
56                 fail: function (res) {
57                   var that = this
58                   console.log(res)
59 /*
60                   wx.redirectTo({
61                     url: '/pages/error/error?error=请同意获得微信用户信息'
62                   })
63 */if(res){//res返回值来检查用户授权信息&重新授权
64   wx.showModal({
65     title: '警告',
66     content: '若不授权微信登陆,您将无法使用商城部分功能,点击重新获取授权',
67     success: function () { 
68       wx.openSetting({
69         success: function (res) {
70           if (!res.authSetting["scope.userInfo"] || !res.authSetting["scope.userLocation"]) {
71             wx.getUserInfo({})
72           }
73         }
74       })
75     }
76   })
77 }
78                 }
79               })
80             }
81           });
82         }
83       }
84     })
85 }
86 })


posted @ 2018-11-22 20:01  yxl87  阅读(238)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报