Utility Functions For AS3 Objects

*   Count the properties in an object
*   @param obj Object to count the properties of
*   @return The number of properties in the specified object. If the
*           specified object is null, this is 0.
*   @author Jackson Dunstan
public static function numProperties(obj:Object): int
    var count:int = 0;
    for each (var prop:Object in obj)
    return count;
*   Check if an object has any properties
*   @param obj Object to check for properties
*   @return If the specified object has any properties. If the
*           specified object is null, this is false.
*   @author Jackson Dunstan
public static function hasProperties(obj:Object): Boolean
    for each (var prop:Object in obj)
        return true;
    return false;

*   Check if the properties of an object are all the same
*   @param obj Object whose properties should be checked
*   @param type Type to check the object's properties against
*   @return If all of the properties of the specified object are of the
*           specified type
*   @author Jackson Dunstan
public static function isUniformPropertyType(obj:Object, type:Class): Boolean
    for each (var prop:Object in obj)
        if (!(prop is type))
            return false;
    return true;

*   Copy an object
*   @param obj Object to copy
*   @param into (optional) Object to copy into. If null, a new object
*                is created.
*   @return A one-level deep copy of the object or null if the argument
*           is null
*   @author Jackson Dunstan
public static function copy(obj:Object, into:Object=null): Object
    if (into == null)
        into = {};
    if (obj != null)
        for (var o:* in obj)
            into[o] = obj[o];
    return into;

*   Convert the object to an array. Note that the order of the array is
*   undefined.
*   @param obj Object to convert
*   @return An array with all of the properties of the given object or
*           null if the given object is null
*   @author Jackson Dunstan
public static function toArray(obj:Object): Array
    if (obj == null)
        return null;
        var ret:Array = [];
        for each (var prop:Object in obj)
        return ret;

*   Convert the object to a string of form: PROP: VAL&PROP: VAL where:
*     PROP is a property
*     VAL is its corresponding value
*     & is the specified optional delimiter
*   @param obj Object to convert
*   @param delimiter (optional) Delimiter of property/value pairs
*   @return An string of all property/value pairs delimited by the
*           given string or null if the input object or delimiter is
*           null.
*   @author Jackson Dunstan
public static function toString(obj:Object=null, delimiter:String = "\n"): String
    if (obj == null || delimiter == null)
        return "";
        var ret:Array = [];
        for (var s:Object in obj)
            ret.push(s + ": " + obj[s]);
        return ret.join(delimiter);
posted @ 2010-03-21 11:25  ywxgod  阅读(228)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报