
summer competition D 一些数学值的求法

摘要: 题目:Problem DGrassLandDescriptionFarmer John has a grass land, which is very large that when you stand in the middle of it, you can not see its edge.Farmer John had built his barn in the center of the grass land, which is rectangle shape of w × h. And now in the barn lives his favourate cow Bess 阅读全文

posted @ 2012-07-11 17:11 yumao 阅读(306) 评论(1) 推荐(0) 编辑

自己动手 比较标程

摘要: 当有题目的标准输入和输出时,可以自己动手,比较写的代码是否能A.① 在程序的主函数中加入: freopen("D.in","r",stdin);freopen("Dout.out","w",stdout); 然后运行程序。(D.in 为程序提供的输入标程 Dout.out为自己创建的输出文件)② 运行CMD,输入fc 空格,然后将Dout拖入+空格+将提供的输出标程拖入,回车即可比较。 阅读全文

posted @ 2012-07-11 16:56 yumao 阅读(127) 评论(0) 推荐(1) 编辑
