1. We will have the data conversion task for overseas Factory this and coming weeks,
    We need your full support to finish the bug fixing ASAP.

  2. I think the team plan to have OT on Saturday and take rest on Sunday.

  3. Could you send together the attachement updated Excel file to me?

  4. Would please refer the attachement for item detail.

  5. Please give support to Rain and strictly follow the requirement from 防疫小組

  6. Thanks for team support to ehancement the program and also converted the data.
    Please share time to review the data with Rose
    Remind to communicate with users in all location that need to Compile with group standard when preparing new ACE data record in their own location.

  7. Dear Tom, As informed previously, the enquire tool will be passed from FT team to the production so that we can release most time of checking and solving problem to the users. May you please kindly also invite us including PSM FT members to attend the training session for learning the tool? Many thanks.

  8. Dear Elizabeth, OK, welcome. As this tool finally also need to hand over to PSM team, now they join the training should be better.
    Dear Daphne, Please remember to invite Coco & Icey to join the training.

  9. Dear Elizabeth, Yesterday we had arranged two session training to day & night shift guy and also IE team. I just checked Daphne appointment had sent to Coco for these two session training, but they no join. Just update you the status.

  10. I am not sure if there is any issue on the email delivery problem on Microsoft Outlook as for the morning session, Coco received the invitation that the meeting is almost finished. No matter what it is, anyways, I had arranged a 11:00 -12:00 meeting today to seek for Daphne’s assistance on training providing.
    This meeting includes me and Amin’s team.

posted on 2021-11-01 09:49  湖东  阅读(85)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报