2024-02-19 闲话

2019-06 CET4-2



revenue n.收入 a slump in oil revenue 石油收入的下跌
workers' strike 工人罢工
They nest on the volcano's slopes. 它们在火山山坡上筑巢。 slope 这里是另译
idle about 游手好闲/虚度时光(贬义) 闲逛(中性)
acquire v.
2.购得、获得 I've suddenly acquire a stepbrother 我突然有了一个继兄弟
Abstract art is an acquired state. 要慢慢培养才能欣赏抽象艺术 an acquired state “养成的爱好”

brutal adj.
1.残暴的/兽性的 a brutal attack
2.直截了当的,冷酷的 With brutal honesty she told him she did not love him. 这里的 brutal 翻译成上一行的意思就不太通顺了

predator n. 食肉动物 <-> prey n.猎物
deliberately adv.
1.故意的/存心的 She's been deliberately ignoring him all day.
2.不慌不忙的/从容不迫的 He packed up his possessions slowly and deliberately.

humble adj,/v. 含义都是两个词性通用的 (做题的时候误认成了 humor,有点生疏了)
2.(因为级别低下而)卑微 a humble occupation 一种卑微的职业
3.不大的;没有特别之处的 a humble farmhouse 一个小农舍
eat humble pie 认罪

literally adv.
1.字面上的 When I told you to ‘get lost’ I didn't expect to be taken literally .
2.(表示强调)确实的,真正的 I literally jumped out of my skin. 我简直给吓了一大跳

refine v.精炼、改善 oil refining 炼油
revolve v.旋转
revolve around/round sth. 绕着 sth. 转动(物理意义上的圆周运动)/ 围绕;以 sth. 作为主题、与 sth. 相关 His whole life revolves around surfing.

thrive v.茁壮成长
speculate v.推测(常用含义)/炒股 He likes to speculate on the stock market.他喜欢炒股
thereby adv.从而



有... 的历史 with a history of
民间表演 folk performance
熟练地配合 work together proficiently
各种动作 various movements
两个表演者同披一件狮子服装 share the same lion costume
商店开业 business opening ceremony
重要场合 occasion


task:write a news report to your campus paper on a visit to a local farm organized by your Student Union

应该理解成小学语文作文测试。所以按照老师讲的,记叙文应该有六个要素:时间地点人物,起因经过结果。从上一套题 std 里面发现,起因可以理解成目的,结果可以表述成影响/意义,时间地点人物要在第一自然段里面涉及。

从小到大 writing 的最大苦主就是 conclusion,std 的末尾是这么写的

This activity is in fact pary of a larger project launched by our school this year to expose college students to all walks of life,thereby helping them develop a clear career plan.

这个显然是编不出来的,不过 ChatGPT 是这么写的:

The Student Union encourages students to stay tuned for upcoming events and activities aimed at enriching their university experience beyond the classroom walls.

感觉是news的味道。这两个 endings 其实都是针对 future 谈的,直接对着一编就行了。参考斯坦福小镇中的 agent:observation-reflexion,具体而言,找一个动作主体然后根据实况安排一点事情就行了。

现在做存货的目的主要是练听力,不过现在有点审题的门路了,比如先观察选项句子结构,比如ABCD全是 To do sth. 就重点关注以下音频里面表示目的内容。这么一看,事实判断按理来说是最难的,但是它题目位置又最靠前,理论和实际作了平均。

这段时间应该速速训练 TOFEL 的,打算最近多看几个 bilibili 备考视频然后买书练练写作。

上午上高代的时候看了一些商空间的知识,实在是太抽象了。下午主要是看了上午讲的二次型,惯性定理书上写的真是耐人寻味,看不懂就是一坨大便,看懂了确实是非常巧妙。曲高和寡。现在正打算研究:\(X\) 的概率密度函数 \(\exp(ax^2+bx+c)\) ,证明 X 服从正态分布。因为不会定积分的原因所以还不会做。

posted @ 2024-02-19 18:12  yspm  阅读(47)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报