
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void main71()
    char a[] = "i am a student";
    char b[64];
    int  i = 0;

    for (i=0; *(a+i) != '\0'; i++)
        *(b+i) = *(a+i);


    b[i] = '\0'; //重要
    printf("a:%s \n", a);
    printf("b:%s \n", b);

    return ;



//form形参 形参to 的值 不停的在变化....
void copy_str21(char *from, char *to)
    for (; *from!='\0'; from++, to++)
         *to = *from;
    *to = '\0';

    return ;

//*操作 和++的操作
//++ 优先级高 
void copy_str22(char *from, char *to)
    for (; *from!='\0';)
        *to++ = *from++;  //  先 *to = *from;  再from++, to++ 
    *to = '\0'; //

    return ;

void copy_str23(char *from, char *to)
    while( (*to = *from) != '\0' )
        from ++; 
        to ++;

void copy_str24(char *from , char *to)
    while ( (*to++ = *from++) != '\0')

void copy_str25(char *from , char *to)
    //*(0) = 'a';
    while ( (*to++ = *from++) )

void copy_str25_err(char *from , char *to)
    //*(0) = 'a';
    while ( (*to++ = *from++) )

    printf("from:%s \n", from);

//不要轻易改变形参的值, 要引入一个辅助的指针变量. 把形参给接过来.....
int copy_str26_good(char *from , char *to)
    //*(0) = 'a';
    char *tmpfrom = from;
    char *tmpto = to;
    if ( from == NULL || to == NULL)
        return -1;

    while ( *tmpto++ = *tmpfrom++ ) ;  //空语句

    printf("from:%s \n", from);

int main111()
    int ret = 0;
    char *from = "abcd";
    char buf2[100]; 
    //copy_str21(from, buf2);
    //copy_str23(from, buf2);
    //copy_str24(from, buf2);
    //copy_str25(from ,buf2);
    //printf("buf2:%s \n", buf2);

        char *myto = NULL;  //要分配内存
        //copy_str25(from,myto );
        char *myto = NULL;  //要分配内存
        ret = copy_str26_good(from, myto);
        if (ret != 0)
            printf("func copy_str26_good() err:%d  ", ret);
            return ret;
    return ret;

int main777()
    int ret = 0;
    char *from = "abcd";
    char buf2[100]; 

    printf("copy_str25_err begin\n");
    copy_str25_err(from, buf2);
    copy_str26_good(from, buf2);
    printf("copy_str25_err end\n");
    return 0;



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