Credit/Debit Memo/Note

Debit Memo(借项通知单) & Credit Memo(贷项通知单) 都是因为顾客对产品不满意所产生的请款的文件。Debit Memo增加应收账款(Account Receivables)的数值; 反之,贷项通知单则减少应收账款的数值。Credit Memo还可以用在对供应商的货物不满意而退货。借/贷项通知单建立 1 直接由顾客发票转置而成; 2 由借/贷通知单(Debit/Credit Memo Request)转置而成 .

Credit memo: A sales document created on the basis of a customer complaint. This reduces receivables in Financial Accounting. Debit memo: A sales document created on the basis of a customer complaint. This increases receivables in Financial Accounting. Use You may need to create credit memos for various reasons (for example, because of defective goods or because you have overcharged a customer). Similarly, you may need to create a debit memo, if, for example, you have not charged the customer enough.

Debit Note/Credit Note

 A公司向我公司买东西,A公司是借方。对于我公司来说,费用上是一笔应收帐款。我公司开DEBIT NOTE给A公司,[等于是催A公司付款,可以理解为催款通知书]。A公司在收到我公司的DEBIT NOTE后,就可以开CREDIT NOTE返回我公司。我公司收到后开INVOICE给A公司。我公司买B公司东西,B公司是贷方。对于我公司来说,费用上是一笔应付帐款。我公司开CREDIT NOTE给B公司,告诉B公司,我们付这么些钱给你们 [等于是给B公司的我公司的付款通知]。B公司收到后开INVOICE给我公司。其实应该是:我们开一张Debit Note给客户,此时是在系统中创建一张Customer Invoice,但打印出来就是一张Debit Note。

posted on 2010-12-22 13:14  GavinGan  阅读(1165)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
