
sudo yum install screen


Ctrl+a ?

Below are some most common commands for managing Linux Screen Windows:
Ctrl+a c Create a new window (with shell)
Ctrl+a " List all window
Ctrl+a 0 Switch to window 0 (by number )
Ctrl+a A Rename the current window
Ctrl+a S Split current region horizontally into two regions
Ctrl+a | Split current region vertically into two regions
Ctrl+a tab Switch the input focus to the next region
Ctrl+a Ctrl+a Toggle between the current and previous region
Ctrl+a Q Close all regions but the current one
Ctrl+a X Close the current region

Detach from Linux Screen Session
You can detach from the screen session at any time by typing:
Ctrl+a d

send input text to session
screen -p 0 -X stuff "stop^M" // ^M mean enter key

posted @ 2021-11-04 10:11  daniel57  阅读(33)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报