coursera-gamification003-notes-week1-What is Gamification

1. What is Gamification

the goal of the class:
what is gamification,why it might be valuable,how to do it effectively,specific applications
by the way,教授提到了注意观察身后书桌的变化,may be a message...
1.3,一个definition,the use of game elements and game design techniques in non-game contexts...好normal
这节引用了一个很赞的例子,Nike Plus,耐克作为跑鞋提供商,希望购买者多去跑,所以开发一系列应用,记录跑步距离,速度等数据,并产出游戏化的形式,如最快速度,最远距离,同时还是会设定一些目标,如设定每周多几天运动,比去年平均有进步等等,同时设定一些目标、奖励,排名等动力
另一个手机应用,zombies run,背景是你被僵尸包围,需要奔跑来逃离,鼓励玩家带着手机去运动,依然有奖励和好友互动的功能,而且比前一个更加immersive
eg,KERA,包含常见的游戏元素,如avatars,points,levels,progressions,reward,quests,social graph,以游戏化的形式来实现某种目的,此目的并不是playing game,如Nike的例子,目的是让人们多跑多运动。(如人人的分数,刷新等)
More to game than elements
Think like a game designer
1.4,why study gamification
have an emerging,significant business practise(l lot of companies using it,including big one and the start-up one)
games are powerful thing
lessons from phychology,design,strategy,technology
harder than you think,not easy to learn
1.5,history of gamification
first term gamification:MUD1,the first multi-player online game
1980,first early study on vedio games,
Serious game movement ,2002,full blown games,silulation
2007,the first gamificagtion platform
1.6 examples and categories
gamification can motivate
applications in many domains
encompasses many techniques

posted on 2014-02-12 16:30  TheBest  阅读(261)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
