PHP composer-setup安装遇到的openssl extension is missing



[root@localhost src]# curl -sS | php
Some settings on your machine make Composer unable to work properly.
Make sure that you fix the issues listed below and run this script again:

The openssl extension is missing, which means that secure HTTPS transfers are impossible.
If possible you should enable it or recompile php with --with-openssl

排查过程中发现php 配置文件的问题,没有加载到php.ini文件

[root@localhost php]# php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /usr/local/php-7.1.17/lib
Loaded Configuration File:         (none)
Scan for additional .ini files in: (none)
Additional .ini files parsed:      (none)


[root@localhost php]# ln -s /home/sc/php/php7-9026.ini /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini


[root@localhost lib]# php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /usr/local/php-7.1.17/lib
Loaded Configuration File:         /usr/local/php-7.1.17/lib/php.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: (none)
Additional .ini files parsed:      (none)

再次安装composer 正常。

curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

 通过phpinfo 查看是已经加载到了openssl,但是没有找到php.ini 导致通过绝对路径时没有加载到模块。

posted @ 2018-07-14 18:20  MR__Wang  阅读(1892)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报