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Posted on 2008-05-23 23:13  路缘  阅读(337)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Today, Jingmin, my best friend came to Chengdu. So I written request for leave to pick up her and her daughter. Since I left Kunming, It's almost a year we haven't seen each other.This time, she and her daughter, Wang Renyi, got a phisical check for immigrant to Australia in Chengdu. Very lucky, every thing is all right. But there is a little pity. They had planned to stay in Chengdu for two days about two weeks ago. But After the WenChuan earth quake, the aftershock happened again and again. For the sake of security, they changed the plan.Even if they didn't, I would ask them to change, although how I want they could stay a little more. After the lunch, they felt a little tired, so we went to airport directly by taxi. At the airport, we asked for some French fries and beverage and were drinking and talking. I was very happy when Jingmin said that everything about her is ok. yes, Kindful people should have a comfortable and happy life. I belive the God also knows that. Today is a good day. The night, I came home, I called to Nniuniu. I knew niuniu's heart state became better. Thank heavens, the most thing what I have been worried about in the past went away finnaly. I hope the good state could lasts a very long time. But I can't rely on the fate. I have to cherish the hard time to let Niuniu see the brilliant days is on the way.

I promise my department manager that I could give him a antetype of the data transmission before next Monday. So I have to finish my task in this weekend. About more than a week, because of the earthquake and the aftershocks, I have been in a bad state when I was working. So my work's progress went very slowly. I should finish it a week ago, but now the most of the work haven't done yet. So today, I almost spent a whole day for analysing and programing. And in the night, I finally solved the main problems and overcome every difficulties. Why in the past two weeks, I have done so little. Is it the truth that the earthquake have affected? Of course No. At any time, you shouldn't give low requirement to yourself, because you are very worst now. And second, when to do something, do not play around the surface of the problem and spend much time and energy but get little effect. You should do something essential and go to thouch the core of the problem. Why I did the things in disorder, maybe I have been in a mess team so long. But even so, I shouldn't forget the right method of doing things. Good habits should never change at any time!

In today afternoon, when I was programing, a heavy aftershock happened. I became be nervous and try my best to felt the the degree of the swaying. In this emergent situation, it's hard to feel how heavily the building swaying, but I only saw the telecontrol board on the tea table shaking heavily. The aftershock have been last more than one minute. And later, I got messages from the internet and knew that the epicenter of the aftershock located in Qingchuan county, southwest China's SiChuan province. The aftershock was about 6.4 magnitude, the strongest aftershock since the 8.0-magnitude earthquake of May 12, hit at 4:21 pm. Most of the people fled  out, I was also about to close the door and run out of the building. But there was something wrong when I closed the door. After I checked the door, then the aftershock stopped, so I back to my computer and writing the program again. I couldn't be up to the forecast of the aftershock given by experts. A few days ago, the experts said it would happen big aftershock, but none of big earthquake had happened during these days. But today, no experts predict any aftershock would happened, it happened by the square and so strong. I didn't mean to blame the experts wrong predicts a few days ago, but I hope them improve the ability of predicts earthquake, even make wrong forecast, but please do not miss anyone. The earthquake happened May 12 have costed so much, it shoud never happen again.