Python Challenge 关卡目录及解答过程








线索:想要解开它,你需要想2次--> K-M,O-Q,E-G 每个字母都往后推了2次

def transmes(mes):
    intab = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    outtab ='cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzab'
    trantab = str.maketrans(intab,outtab)
    message = mes.translate(trantab) 

message = "g fmnc wms bgblr rpylqjyrc gr zw fylb. rfyrq ufyr amknsrcpq ypc dmp. bmgle gr gl zw fylb gq glcddgagclr ylb rfyr'q ufw rfgq rcvr gq qm jmle. sqgle qrpgle.kyicrpylq() gq pcamkkclbcb. lmu ynnjw ml rfc spj."
url = 'map'


i hope you didnt translate it by hand. thats what computers are for. doing it in by hand is inefficient and that's why this text is so long. using string.maketrans() is recommended. now apply on the url.

希望你没有一个一个去推算字母解密这段话,这样的工作应该是由电脑来做。手动推送很费时,所以这段话会如此之长。推荐用 string.maketrans() 方法来解密这道题,现在把它应用在url上。






page_source = '''%%$@_$^__#.......  ''' #内容太长,已省略

def count_char(mes): 
    infos = {}
    for i in mes:
        if i.isalpha():
            if i not in infos:
                infos[i] = 0
                infos[i] += 1
    a  = sorted(infos.items(),key = lambda item:item[1])[0:10]



[('e', 1), ('q', 1), ('u', 1), ('a', 1), ('l', 1), ('i', 1), ('t', 1), ('y', 1)]



线索:一个小写字母的两边准确地被3个大写字母包围 --> 那么它的格式就是 xXXXxXXXx

mes = '''kAewtloY.......piqBd ''' #由于内容很长,已省略

import re

pattern = r'[a-z][A-Z]{3}[a-z][A-Z]{3}[a-z]'
for i in re.findall(pattern,mes):





线索:打开源代码,注释中 --> urllib 可能有帮助。千万不要把所有的 NOTHING 都试一遍,因为它不会停,400 次完全够了

import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
data = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(data.text,'lxml')
href = soup.a['href']
p ='(\d)+$',href).group()

i = 0
    next_url = url + '?nothing=' + str(p)
    next_page = requests.get(next_url).text
    print(str(i)+":"+ next_page,p)
        p =int(p)/2
    elif ('(\d)+$',next_page)):
        p ='(\d)+$',next_page).group()
    i += 1


0:and the next nothing is 44827 12345
1:and the next nothing is 45439 44827
2:<font color=red>Your hands are getting tired </font>and the next nothing is 94485 45439
3:and the next nothing is 72198 94485
4:and the next nothing is 80992 72198
5:and the next nothing is 8880 80992
6:and the next nothing is 40961 8880
7:and the next nothing is 58765 40961
8:and the next nothing is 46561 58765
9:and the next nothing is 13418 46561
10:and the next nothing is 41954 13418
11:and the next nothing is 46782 41954
12:and the next nothing is 92730 46782
13:and the next nothing is 89229 92730
14:and the next nothing is 25646 89229
15:and the next nothing is 74288 25646
16:and the next nothing is 25945 74288
17:and the next nothing is 39876 25945
18:and the next nothing is 8498 39876
19:and the next nothing is 34684 8498
20:and the next nothing is 62316 34684
21:and the next nothing is 71331 62316
22:and the next nothing is 59717 71331
23:and the next nothing is 76893 59717
24:and the next nothing is 44091 76893
25:and the next nothing is 73241 44091
26:and the next nothing is 19242 73241
27:and the next nothing is 17476 19242
28:and the next nothing is 39566 17476
29:and the next nothing is 81293 39566
30:and the next nothing is 25857 81293
31:and the next nothing is 74343 25857
32:and the next nothing is 39410 74343
33:and the next nothing is 5505 39410
34:and the next nothing is 27104 5505
35:and the next nothing is 54003 27104
36:and the next nothing is 23501 54003
37:and the next nothing is 21110 23501
38:and the next nothing is 88399 21110
39:and the next nothing is 49740 88399
40:and the next nothing is 31552 49740
41:and the next nothing is 39998 31552
42:and the next nothing is 19755 39998
43:and the next nothing is 64624 19755
44:and the next nothing is 37817 64624
45:and the next nothing is 43427 37817
46:and the next nothing is 15115 43427
47:and the next nothing is 44327 15115
48:and the next nothing is 7715 44327
49:and the next nothing is 15248 7715
50:and the next nothing is 61895 15248
51:and the next nothing is 54759 61895
52:and the next nothing is 54270 54759
53:and the next nothing is 51332 54270
54:and the next nothing is 63481 51332
55:and the next nothing is 12362 63481
56:and the next nothing is 94476 12362
57:and the next nothing is 87810 94476
58:and the next nothing is 6027 87810
59:and the next nothing is 47551 6027
60:and the next nothing is 79498 47551
61:and the next nothing is 81226 79498
62:and the next nothing is 4256 81226
63:and the next nothing is 62734 4256
64:and the next nothing is 25666 62734
65:and the next nothing is 14781 25666
66:and the next nothing is 21412 14781
67:and the next nothing is 55205 21412
68:and the next nothing is 65516 55205
69:and the next nothing is 53535 65516
70:and the next nothing is 4437 53535
71:and the next nothing is 43442 4437
72:and the next nothing is 91308 43442
73:and the next nothing is 1312 91308
74:and the next nothing is 36268 1312
75:and the next nothing is 34289 36268
76:and the next nothing is 46384 34289
77:and the next nothing is 18097 46384
78:and the next nothing is 9401 18097
79:and the next nothing is 54249 9401
80:and the next nothing is 29247 54249
81:and the next nothing is 13115 29247
82:and the next nothing is 23053 13115
83:and the next nothing is 3875 23053
84:and the next nothing is 16044 3875
85:Yes. Divide by two and keep going. 16044
86:and the next nothing is 25357 8022.0
87:and the next nothing is 89879 25357
88:and the next nothing is 80119 89879
89:and the next nothing is 50290 80119
90:and the next nothing is 9297 50290
91:and the next nothing is 30571 9297
92:and the next nothing is 7414 30571
93:and the next nothing is 30978 7414
94:and the next nothing is 16408 30978
95:and the next nothing is 80109 16408
96:and the next nothing is 55736 80109
97:and the next nothing is 15357 55736
98:and the next nothing is 80887 15357
99:and the next nothing is 35014 80887
100:and the next nothing is 16523 35014
101:and the next nothing is 50286 16523
102:and the next nothing is 34813 50286
103:and the next nothing is 77562 34813
104:and the next nothing is 54746 77562
105:and the next nothing is 22680 54746
106:and the next nothing is 19705 22680
107:and the next nothing is 77000 19705
108:and the next nothing is 27634 77000
109:and the next nothing is 21008 27634
110:and the next nothing is 64994 21008
111:and the next nothing is 66109 64994
112:and the next nothing is 37855 66109
113:and the next nothing is 36383 37855
114:and the next nothing is 68548 36383
115:and the next nothing is 96070 68548
116:and the next nothing is 83051 96070
117:and the next nothing is 58026 83051
118:and the next nothing is 44726 58026
119:and the next nothing is 35748 44726
120:and the next nothing is 61287 35748
121:and the next nothing is 559 61287
122:and the next nothing is 81318 559
123:and the next nothing is 50443 81318
124:and the next nothing is 1570 50443
125:and the next nothing is 75244 1570
126:and the next nothing is 56265 75244
127:and the next nothing is 17694 56265
128:and the next nothing is 48033 17694
129:and the next nothing is 56523 48033
130:and the next nothing is 51253 56523
131:and the next nothing is 85750 51253
132:and the next nothing is 42760 85750
133:and the next nothing is 11877 42760
134:and the next nothing is 15962 11877
135:and the next nothing is 75494 15962
136:and the next nothing is 87283 75494
137:and the next nothing is 40396 87283
138:and the next nothing is 49574 40396
139:and the next nothing is 82682 49574
140:There maybe misleading numbers in the 
text. One example is 82683. Look only for the next nothing and the next nothing is 63579 82682
141:and the next nothing is 37278 63579
142:and the next nothing is 53548 37278
143:and the next nothing is 66081 53548
144:and the next nothing is 67753 66081
145:and the next nothing is 56337 67753
146:and the next nothing is 3356 56337
147:and the next nothing is 94525 3356
148:and the next nothing is 89574 94525
149:and the next nothing is 4413 89574
150:and the next nothing is 82294 4413
151:and the next nothing is 56060 82294
152:and the next nothing is 95493 56060
153:and the next nothing is 80865 95493
154:and the next nothing is 66242 80865
155:and the next nothing is 16065 66242
156:and the next nothing is 62145 16065
157:and the next nothing is 23147 62145
158:and the next nothing is 83763 23147
159:and the next nothing is 62381 83763
160:and the next nothing is 76841 62381
161:and the next nothing is 91706 76841
162:and the next nothing is 9268 91706
163:and the next nothing is 64814 9268
164:and the next nothing is 80809 64814
165:and the next nothing is 14039 80809
166:and the next nothing is 73355 14039
167:and the next nothing is 81905 73355
168:and the next nothing is 36402 81905
169:and the next nothing is 27221 36402
170:and the next nothing is 79607 27221
171:and the next nothing is 91763 79607
172:and the next nothing is 11631 91763
173:and the next nothing is 76396 11631
174:and the next nothing is 69905 76396
175:and the next nothing is 11073 69905
176:and the next nothing is 71281 11073
177:and the next nothing is 54345 71281
178:and the next nothing is 19047 54345
179:and the next nothing is 34376 19047
180:and the next nothing is 3193 34376
181:and the next nothing is 74258 3193
182:and the next nothing is 62712 74258
183:and the next nothing is 1823 62712
184:and the next nothing is 21232 1823
185:and the next nothing is 87890 21232
186:and the next nothing is 21545 87890
187:and the next nothing is 37136 21545
188:and the next nothing is 23060 37136
189:and the next nothing is 5385 23060
190:and the next nothing is 4620 5385
191:and the next nothing is 39111 4620
192:and the next nothing is 35914 39111
193:and the next nothing is 60310 35914
194:and the next nothing is 19178 60310
195:and the next nothing is 44671 19178
196:and the next nothing is 45736 44671
197:and the next nothing is 9216 45736
198:and the next nothing is 12585 9216
199:and the next nothing is 11302 12585
200:and the next nothing is 33096 11302
201:and the next nothing is 13967 33096
202:and the next nothing is 57004 13967
203:and the next nothing is 64196 57004
204:and the next nothing is 73929 64196
205:and the next nothing is 24800 73929
206:and the next nothing is 25081 24800
207:and the next nothing is 90033 25081
208:and the next nothing is 45919 90033
209:and the next nothing is 54827 45919
210:and the next nothing is 73950 54827
211:and the next nothing is 56978 73950
212:and the next nothing is 8133 56978
213:and the next nothing is 61900 8133
214:and the next nothing is 47769 61900
215:and the next nothing is 631 47769
216:and the next nothing is 2284 631
217:and the next nothing is 60074 2284
218:and the next nothing is 35959 60074
219:and the next nothing is 57158 35959
220:and the next nothing is 90990 57158
221:and the next nothing is 27935 90990
222:and the next nothing is 99927 27935
223:and the next nothing is 41785 99927
224:and the next nothing is 32660 41785
225:and the next nothing is 4328 32660
226:and the next nothing is 42067 4328
227:and the next nothing is 8743 42067
228:and the next nothing is 38613 8743
229:and the next nothing is 21100 38613
230:and the next nothing is 77864 21100
231:and the next nothing is 6523 77864
232:and the next nothing is 6927 6523
233:and the next nothing is 82930 6927
234:and the next nothing is 35846 82930
235:and the next nothing is 31785 35846
236:and the next nothing is 41846 31785
237:and the next nothing is 72387 41846
238:and the next nothing is 59334 72387
239:and the next nothing is 65520 59334
240:and the next nothing is 93781 65520
241:and the next nothing is 55840 93781
242:and the next nothing is 80842 55840
243:and the next nothing is 59022 80842
244:and the next nothing is 23298 59022
245:and the next nothing is 27709 23298
246:and the next nothing is 96791 27709
247:and the next nothing is 75635 96791
248:and the next nothing is 52899 75635
249:and the next nothing is 66831 52899
250:peak.html 66831
View Code



线索:读出来 --> 打开源代码,peak hell 听起熟悉吗?,像 pickle。看到 <peakhell src="banner.p"/> , 点击它得到一大段bytes类型的信息

import requests
import pickle
url = ''
data = requests.get(url).text #字符串类型,在最新的Python 3版本中,字符串是以Unicode编码的
bytes_data = data.encode('utf-8') # 字符串转化为 bytes 类型  或者 bytes_data = data.encode('ascii')
pdata = pickle.loads(bytes_data) # loads 方法需要是 bytes 类型,即二进制数据

for i in pdata:
    for x in i:



              #####                                                                      ##### 
               ####                                                                       #### 
               ####                                                                       #### 
               ####                                                                       #### 
               ####                                                                       #### 
               ####                                                                       #### 
               ####                                                                       #### 
               ####                                                                       #### 
      ###      ####   ###         ###       #####   ###    #####   ###          ###       #### 
   ###   ##    #### #######     ##  ###      #### #######   #### #######     ###  ###     #### 
  ###     ###  #####    ####   ###   ####    #####    ####  #####    ####   ###     ###   #### 
 ###           ####     ####   ###    ###    ####     ####  ####     ####  ###      ####  #### 
 ###           ####     ####          ###    ####     ####  ####     ####  ###       ###  #### 
####           ####     ####     ##   ###    ####     ####  ####     #### ####       ###  #### 
####           ####     ####   ##########    ####     ####  ####     #### ##############  #### 
####           ####     ####  ###    ####    ####     ####  ####     #### ####            #### 
####           ####     #### ####     ###    ####     ####  ####     #### ####            #### 
 ###           ####     #### ####     ###    ####     ####  ####     ####  ###            #### 
  ###      ##  ####     ####  ###    ####    ####     ####  ####     ####   ###      ##   #### 
   ###    ##   ####     ####   ###########   ####     ####  ####     ####    ###    ##    #### 
      ###     ######    #####    ##    #### ######    ###########    #####      ###      ######




#解压 E:\桌面图片\ 文件到当前目录 PyCha6-zipfiles 下面
import zipfile,os,re
f = zipfile.ZipFile(r'E:\桌面图片\','r')
for file in f.namelist():

comments = []

for i in os.listdir('PC6zipfiles'):
    if i == 'readme.txt':
        with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'PC6zipfiles',i),'r') as txt:
            readme =
            hint ='(\d){2,5}',readme).group()

while True:
    for a in os.listdir('PC6zipfiles'):
        if a == '%s.txt' % hint:
            with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'PC6zipfiles',a),'r') as text:
                nothing =
                    hint ='(\d){2,5}',nothing).group()


welcome to my zipped list.

hint1: start from 90052
hint2: answer is inside the zip

Next nothing is 94191 90052
Next nothing is 85503 94191
Next nothing is 70877 85503
Next nothing is 15409 70877
Next nothing is 60838 15409
Next nothing is 80009 60838
Next nothing is 21347 80009
Next nothing is 24164 21347
Next nothing is 13836 24164
Next nothing is 80123 13836
Next nothing is 92453 80123
Next nothing is 69556 92453
Next nothing is 31491 69556
Next nothing is 13371 31491
Next nothing is 88143 13371
Next nothing is 82593 88143
Next nothing is 30645 82593
Next nothing is 88985 30645
Next nothing is 27190 88985
Next nothing is 24448 27190
Next nothing is 37468 24448
Next nothing is 49892 37468
Next nothing is 54714 49892
Next nothing is 75161 54714
Next nothing is 893 75161
Next nothing is 57882 893
Next nothing is 40033 57882
Next nothing is 29521 40033
Next nothing is 5289 29521
Next nothing is 4701 5289
Next nothing is 32742 4701
Next nothing is 18751 32742
Next nothing is 68586 18751
Next nothing is 53984 68586
Next nothing is 52184 53984
Next nothing is 43807 52184
Next nothing is 56300 43807
Next nothing is 97649 56300
Next nothing is 88244 97649
Next nothing is 91669 88244
Next nothing is 88394 91669
Next nothing is 77575 88394
Next nothing is 70208 77575
Next nothing is 78211 70208
Next nothing is 84854 78211
Next nothing is 87594 84854
Next nothing is 26234 87594
Next nothing is 63181 26234
Next nothing is 68559 63181
Next nothing is 37695 68559
Next nothing is 64397 37695
Next nothing is 55356 64397
Next nothing is 8258 55356
Next nothing is 77074 8258
Next nothing is 28389 77074
Next nothing is 39983 28389
Next nothing is 40210 39983
Next nothing is 69972 40210
Next nothing is 48089 69972
Next nothing is 34764 48089
Next nothing is 46945 34764
Next nothing is 97812 46945
Next nothing is 95662 97812
Next nothing is 55220 95662
Next nothing is 86793 55220
Next nothing is 69785 86793
Next nothing is 85827 69785
Next nothing is 75722 85827
Next nothing is 37259 75722
Next nothing is 57622 37259
Next nothing is 57566 57622
Next nothing is 98181 57566
Next nothing is 57831 98181
Next nothing is 68947 57831
Next nothing is 29834 68947
Next nothing is 67060 29834
Next nothing is 48669 67060
Next nothing is 12761 48669
Next nothing is 47882 12761
Next nothing is 98339 47882
Next nothing is 9058 98339
Next nothing is 14745 9058
Next nothing is 60138 14745
Next nothing is 47842 60138
Next nothing is 71178 47842
Next nothing is 1091 71178
Next nothing is 52205 1091
Next nothing is 98709 52205
Next nothing is 4992 98709
Next nothing is 97673 4992
Next nothing is 92736 97673
Next nothing is 98119 92736
Next nothing is 97515 98119
Next nothing is 98939 97515
Next nothing is 36656 98939
Next nothing is 85839 36656
Next nothing is 33746 85839
Next nothing is 64122 33746
Next nothing is 41968 64122
Next nothing is 56617 41968
Next nothing is 83808 56617
Next nothing is 68613 83808
Next nothing is 99714 68613
Next nothing is 67196 99714
Next nothing is 11992 67196
Next nothing is 38192 11992
Next nothing is 61837 38192
Next nothing is 29034 61837
Next nothing is 77480 29034
Next nothing is 12737 77480
Next nothing is 39310 12737
Next nothing is 89307 39310
Next nothing is 36624 89307
Next nothing is 81412 36624
Next nothing is 51450 81412
Next nothing is 21690 51450
Next nothing is 46726 21690
Next nothing is 74576 46726
Next nothing is 57901 74576
Next nothing is 92043 57901
Next nothing is 78130 92043
Next nothing is 23647 78130
Next nothing is 39258 23647
Next nothing is 76629 39258
Next nothing is 48614 76629
Next nothing is 74736 48614
Next nothing is 53027 74736
Next nothing is 3713 53027
Next nothing is 30339 3713
Next nothing is 42197 30339
Next nothing is 12539 42197
Next nothing is 98095 12539
Next nothing is 176 98095
Next nothing is 64956 176
Next nothing is 78307 64956
Next nothing is 35035 78307
Next nothing is 36894 35035
Next nothing is 76017 36894
Next nothing is 67036 76017
Next nothing is 33179 67036
Next nothing is 64085 33179
Next nothing is 90506 64085
Next nothing is 94079 90506
Next nothing is 76441 94079
Next nothing is 16146 76441
Next nothing is 78399 16146
Next nothing is 98044 78399
Next nothing is 64045 98044
Next nothing is 69444 64045
Next nothing is 78862 69444
Next nothing is 51492 78862
Next nothing is 52349 51492
Next nothing is 86079 52349
Next nothing is 8001 86079
Next nothing is 68750 8001
Next nothing is 65764 68750
Next nothing is 11419 65764
Next nothing is 96644 11419
Next nothing is 63154 96644
Next nothing is 70397 63154
Next nothing is 91046 70397
Next nothing is 61274 91046
Next nothing is 50678 61274
Next nothing is 94118 50678
Next nothing is 86774 94118
Next nothing is 47673 86774
Next nothing is 90792 47673
Next nothing is 95791 90792
Next nothing is 72442 95791
Next nothing is 57730 72442
Next nothing is 79566 57730
Next nothing is 66349 79566
Next nothing is 40521 66349
Next nothing is 59808 40521
Next nothing is 14628 59808
Next nothing is 39820 14628
Next nothing is 100 39820
Next nothing is 84844 100
Next nothing is 39890 84844
Next nothing is 12930 39890
Next nothing is 97979 12930
Next nothing is 16870 97979
Next nothing is 3928 16870
Next nothing is 71245 3928
Next nothing is 8289 71245
Next nothing is 9118 8289
Next nothing is 81768 9118
Next nothing is 68242 81768
Next nothing is 65768 68242
Next nothing is 94363 65768
Next nothing is 34013 94363
Next nothing is 85632 34013
Next nothing is 82706 85632
Next nothing is 97089 82706
Next nothing is 67999 97089
Next nothing is 53542 67999
Next nothing is 68609 53542
Next nothing is 91136 68609
Next nothing is 95660 91136
Next nothing is 30395 95660
Next nothing is 19822 30395
Next nothing is 55325 19822
Next nothing is 33630 55325
Next nothing is 65277 33630
Next nothing is 34563 65277
Next nothing is 44890 34563
Next nothing is 54001 44890
Next nothing is 75838 54001
Next nothing is 83931 75838
Next nothing is 68010 83931
Next nothing is 62369 68010
Next nothing is 30318 62369
Next nothing is 79479 30318
Next nothing is 31117 79479
Next nothing is 43267 31117
Next nothing is 9623 43267
Next nothing is 46206 9623
Next nothing is 56408 46206
Next nothing is 91586 56408
Next nothing is 60171 91586
Next nothing is 21279 60171
Next nothing is 74921 21279
Next nothing is 91523 74921
Next nothing is 82519 91523
Next nothing is 40257 82519
Next nothing is 76116 40257
Next nothing is 7556 76116
Next nothing is 99775 7556
Next nothing is 74219 99775
Next nothing is 82223 74219
Next nothing is 35247 82223
Next nothing is 52390 35247
Next nothing is 89160 52390
Next nothing is 16586 89160
Next nothing is 24065 16586
Next nothing is 69983 24065
Next nothing is 55163 69983
Next nothing is 73389 55163
Next nothing is 91965 73389
Next nothing is 98094 91965
Next nothing is 11616 98094
Next nothing is 3651 11616
Next nothing is 56582 3651
Next nothing is 70915 56582
Next nothing is 16041 70915
Next nothing is 22628 16041
Next nothing is 21140 22628
Next nothing is 24595 21140
Next nothing is 2015 24595
Next nothing is 1063 2015
Next nothing is 81810 1063
Next nothing is 16744 81810
Next nothing is 63875 16744
Next nothing is 55449 63875
Next nothing is 93756 55449
Next nothing is 90763 93756
Next nothing is 92265 90763
Next nothing is 12362 92265
Next nothing is 31981 12362
Next nothing is 33177 31981
Next nothing is 64602 33177
Next nothing is 95085 64602
Next nothing is 22509 95085
Next nothing is 16043 22509
Next nothing is 75290 16043
Next nothing is 50374 75290
Next nothing is 67572 50374
Next nothing is 37055 67572
Next nothing is 77186 37055
Next nothing is 32544 77186
Next nothing is 1878 32544
Next nothing is 65126 1878
Next nothing is 72092 65126
Next nothing is 17712 72092
Next nothing is 81039 17712
Next nothing is 87476 81039
Next nothing is 18375 87476
Next nothing is 29494 18375
Next nothing is 46210 29494
Next nothing is 12351 46210
Next nothing is 11352 12351
Next nothing is 16030 11352
Next nothing is 3390 16030
Next nothing is 603 3390
Next nothing is 11827 603
Next nothing is 1123 11827
Next nothing is 3924 1123
Next nothing is 66402 3924
Next nothing is 36832 66402
Next nothing is 76131 36832
Next nothing is 51106 76131
Next nothing is 24644 51106
Next nothing is 66351 24644
Next nothing is 34515 66351
Next nothing is 3572 34515
Next nothing is 66200 3572
Next nothing is 63804 66200
Next nothing is 47248 63804
Next nothing is 4931 47248
Next nothing is 41894 4931
Next nothing is 88223 41894
Next nothing is 76945 88223
Next nothing is 18520 76945
Next nothing is 1440 18520
Next nothing is 39405 1440
Next nothing is 72571 39405
Next nothing is 4506 72571
Next nothing is 38221 4506
Next nothing is 82852 38221
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Next nothing is 20433 226
Next nothing is 83398 20433
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Next nothing is 76689 93237
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Next nothing is 12187 16764
Next nothing is 45084 12187
Next nothing is 23959 45084
Next nothing is 83235 23959
Next nothing is 38733 83235
Next nothing is 55868 38733
Next nothing is 29 55868
Next nothing is 83831 29
Next nothing is 80100 83831
Next nothing is 14723 80100
Next nothing is 60832 14723
Next nothing is 72946 60832
Next nothing is 37493 72946
Next nothing is 27258 37493
Next nothing is 67542 27258
Next nothing is 28426 67542
Next nothing is 35520 28426
Next nothing is 19478 35520
Next nothing is 53315 19478
Next nothing is 89835 53315
Next nothing is 45636 89835
Next nothing is 84411 45636
Next nothing is 44013 84411
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Next nothing is 15872 94119
Next nothing is 97486 15872
Next nothing is 4530 97486
Next nothing is 2285 4530
Next nothing is 48179 2285
Next nothing is 36594 48179
Next nothing is 52069 36594
Next nothing is 44214 52069
Next nothing is 50187 44214
Next nothing is 63191 50187
Next nothing is 96123 63191
Next nothing is 37905 96123
Next nothing is 35302 37905
Next nothing is 26074 35302
Next nothing is 24510 26074
Next nothing is 77136 24510
Next nothing is 34296 77136
Next nothing is 29704 34296
Next nothing is 22944 29704
Next nothing is 10945 22944
Next nothing is 73256 10945
Next nothing is 40940 73256
Next nothing is 2718 40940
Next nothing is 94666 2718
Next nothing is 53811 94666
Next nothing is 75159 53811
Next nothing is 14802 75159
Next nothing is 29858 14802
Next nothing is 79484 29858
Next nothing is 55887 79484
Next nothing is 8798 55887
Next nothing is 89519 8798
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Next nothing is 53544 60659
Next nothing is 8514 53544
Next nothing is 97430 8514
Next nothing is 1228 97430
Next nothing is 16133 1228
Next nothing is 19944 16133
Next nothing is 25547 19944
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Next nothing is 57327 76840
Next nothing is 96467 57327
Next nothing is 97937 96467
Next nothing is 22345 97937
Next nothing is 75533 22345
Next nothing is 80499 75533
Next nothing is 39170 80499
Next nothing is 25194 39170
Next nothing is 78713 25194
Next nothing is 7331 78713
Next nothing is 92642 7331
Next nothing is 45567 92642
Next nothing is 58155 45567
Next nothing is 4918 58155
Next nothing is 92414 4918
Next nothing is 42478 92414
Next nothing is 57589 42478
Next nothing is 46276 57589
Next nothing is 28529 46276
Next nothing is 36871 28529
Next nothing is 44875 36871
Next nothing is 66783 44875
Next nothing is 1043 66783
Next nothing is 78311 1043
Next nothing is 65698 78311
Next nothing is 95457 65698
Next nothing is 28935 95457
Next nothing is 58156 28935
Next nothing is 12445 58156
Next nothing is 21019 12445
Next nothing is 81654 21019
Next nothing is 82814 81654
Next nothing is 75481 82814
Next nothing is 41055 75481
Next nothing is 55067 41055
Next nothing is 49768 55067
Next nothing is 7422 49768
Next nothing is 30983 7422
Next nothing is 81931 30983
Next nothing is 45122 81931
Next nothing is 75101 45122
Next nothing is 71773 75101
Next nothing is 52323 71773
Next nothing is 41386 52323
Next nothing is 36729 41386
Next nothing is 24027 36729
Next nothing is 82430 24027
Next nothing is 53824 82430
Next nothing is 75518 53824
Next nothing is 38146 75518
Next nothing is 27401 38146
Next nothing is 1321 27401
Next nothing is 20200 1321
Next nothing is 30934 20200
Next nothing is 43923 30934
Next nothing is 9472 43923
Next nothing is 87617 9472
Next nothing is 7973 87617
Next nothing is 40413 7973
Next nothing is 34242 40413
Next nothing is 51833 34242
Next nothing is 7298 51833
Next nothing is 26372 7298
Next nothing is 22704 26372
Next nothing is 87196 22704
Next nothing is 1866 87196
Next nothing is 10454 1866
Next nothing is 8810 10454
Next nothing is 14074 8810
Next nothing is 77163 14074
Next nothing is 15394 77163
Next nothing is 5630 15394
Next nothing is 17801 5630
Next nothing is 80920 17801
Next nothing is 22571 80920
Next nothing is 25311 22571
Next nothing is 270 25311
Next nothing is 2144 270
Next nothing is 63031 2144
Next nothing is 82371 63031
Next nothing is 94758 82371
Next nothing is 38188 94758
Next nothing is 34663 38188
Next nothing is 69757 34663
Next nothing is 37718 69757
Next nothing is 55552 37718
Next nothing is 81137 55552
Next nothing is 27652 81137
Next nothing is 87492 27652
Next nothing is 25632 87492
Next nothing is 95731 25632
Next nothing is 53233 95731
Next nothing is 69684 53233
Next nothing is 75600 69684
Next nothing is 84135 75600
Next nothing is 72452 84135
Next nothing is 73281 72452
Next nothing is 45808 73281
Next nothing is 934 45808
Next nothing is 12130 934
Next nothing is 15750 12130
Next nothing is 69210 15750
Next nothing is 99905 69210
Next nothing is 63643 99905
Next nothing is 47850 63643
Next nothing is 83564 47850
Next nothing is 77241 83564
Next nothing is 75978 77241
Next nothing is 24255 75978
Next nothing is 89197 24255
Next nothing is 42934 89197
Next nothing is 76920 42934
Next nothing is 29994 76920
Next nothing is 45675 29994
Next nothing is 30076 45675
Next nothing is 69280 30076
Next nothing is 70557 69280
Next nothing is 43708 70557
Next nothing is 62628 43708
Next nothing is 89095 62628
Next nothing is 80504 89095
Next nothing is 76887 80504
Next nothing is 27720 76887
Next nothing is 67628 27720
Next nothing is 11080 67628
Next nothing is 37351 11080
Next nothing is 55940 37351
Next nothing is 56000 55940
Next nothing is 79866 56000
Next nothing is 33203 79866
Next nothing is 16228 33203
Next nothing is 8716 16228
Next nothing is 74862 8716
Next nothing is 32459 74862
Next nothing is 58183 32459
Next nothing is 18633 58183
Next nothing is 40377 18633
Next nothing is 70141 40377
Next nothing is 84619 70141
Next nothing is 28850 84619
Next nothing is 45925 28850
Next nothing is 7057 45925
Next nothing is 16792 7057
Next nothing is 54610 16792
Next nothing is 21249 54610
Next nothing is 15667 21249
Next nothing is 91038 15667
Next nothing is 44221 91038
Next nothing is 992 44221
Next nothing is 8700 992
Next nothing is 45100 8700
Next nothing is 68628 45100
Next nothing is 67824 68628
Next nothing is 46145 67824
Collect the comments. 46145
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-92-4ebebad4b724> in <module>()
     14                 nothing =
     15                 print(nothing,hint)
---> 16                 if'(\d){2,5}',nothing).group():
     17                     hint ='(\d){2,5}',nothing).group()
     18                 else:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
View Code
for c in comments:


**                                                            **
**   OO    OO    XX      YYYY    GG    GG  EEEEEE NN      NN  **
**   OO    OO  XXXXXX   YYYYYY   GG   GG   EEEEEE  NN    NN   **
**   OO    OO XXX  XXX YYY   YY  GG GG     EE       NN  NN    **
**   OOOOOOOO XX    XX YY        GGG       EEEEE     NNNN     **
**   OOOOOOOO XX    XX YY        GGG       EEEEE      NN      **
**   OO    OO XXX  XXX YYY   YY  GG GG     EE         NN      **
**   OO    OO  XXXXXX   YYYYYY   GG   GG   EEEEEE     NN      **
**   OO    OO    XX      YYYY    GG    GG  EEEEEE     NN      **
**                                                            **


第7关: (未完成)

posted @ 2018-01-26 16:16  徐玖Python  阅读(1170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报