
实际应用中经常会用到二维平面上的点,点的操作包括设置点的位置( pointT setPoint(double x , double y ) ),显示第n个点的位置( void showPoint(pointT *p,int n) ), 计算两个点的距离double distPoint(pointT pt1, pointT pt2),并将点的坐标以及距离保存到文件Info.txt中void saveInfo (pointT pt1, pointT pt2, char *filename) 。试定义平面上点的数据类型pointT,并实现这些函数,自行编写main函数测试这些函数。


struct pointT{
    double x;
    double y;

struct pointT setPoint(double x, double y)
    struct pointT temp;
    temp.x = x;
    temp.y = y;
    return temp;

void showPoint(struct pointT *p, int n)
    printf("point%d(%.1f , %.1f)", n, (p+n-1)->x, (p+n-1)->y);

double distPoint(struct pointT pt1, struct pointT pt2)
    return sqrt((pt1.x - pt2.x)*(pt1.x - pt2.x) + (pt1.y - pt2.y)*((pt1.y - pt2.y)));

void saveInfo(struct pointT pt1, struct pointT pt2, char *filename)
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen(filename , "a");
    fprintf(fp, "point1(%.1f , %.1f), point2(%.1f , %.1f)\n", pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y);
    fprintf(fp, "dist between point1 and point2 is %.1f\n", distPoint(pt1 , pt2));

// test
int main()
    struct pointT pt[3];
    pt[0] = setPoint(0 , 0);
    pt[1] = setPoint(4 , 0);
    pt[2] = setPoint(4 , 3);
    showPoint(pt , 2);
    printf("dist between point1 and point2 is %.1f\n", distPoint(pt[0] , pt[2]));
    char *filename = "Info.txt";
    saveInfo(pt[0], pt[2], filename);
    return 0;



struct pointT pt1


pointT pt





posted @ 2016-12-27 19:03  xkfx  阅读(299)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报