
1. 地址保存 
$_custom_address = array (
    'firstname' => 'Branko',
    'lastname' => 'Ajzele',
    'street' => array (
        '0' => 'Sample address part1',
        '1' => 'Sample address part2',
    'city' => 'Osijek',
    'region_id' => '',
    'region' => '',
    'postcode' => '31000',
    'country_id' => 'HR', /* Croatia */
    'telephone' => '0038531555444',
$customAddress = Mage::getModel('customer/address')
//$customAddress = new Mage_Customer_Model_Address();
try {
catch (Exception $ex) {
2 。
public function createPostAction() 参考
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->setId(null);
            if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('is_subscribed', false)) {
3.  public function importFromTextArray(array $row)
4. 完成的新建例子
$customer_email = ''; // email adress that will pass by the questionaire 
$customer_fname = 'test_firstname'; // we can set a tempory firstname here 
$customer_lname = 'test_lastname'; // we can set a tempory lastname here 
$passwordLength = 10; // the lenght of autogenerated password
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');
$customer->loadByEmail($customer_email);/** Check if the email exist on the system.* If YES, it will not create a user account. */
if(!$customer->getId()) { //setting data such as email, firstname, lastname, and password 
  try{ //the save the data and send the new account email.
}catch(Exception $ex){ }
5. 有一个好例子
$_customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer'); 
$_customer->password_hash = md5("password123"); 
try { 
} catch (Exception $e) { 
// add their details 
$address = Mage::getModel("customer/address"); 
$address->firstname = $_customer->firstname; 
$address->lastname = $_customer->lastname; 
$address->postcode = "4999"; 
$address->telephone = "0038531444888"; 
$address->company = "Some companyt"; 
$address->street = "Unknown"; 
$address->city = "Unknown"; 
$address->country_id = "AU"; 
/* Subscribe them to the newsletter */
$subscriber = Mage::getModel('newsletter/subscriber')->loadByEmail($email); 
$_customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');
// get the customers last order
$orders = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_collection')
    ->addFieldToFilter('customer_id', $_customer->getId())
    ->addAttributeToSort('created_at', 'DESC')
// echo out the order
<DIV style="DISPLAY: none"><A title="buy clomiphene online" href="">buy clomiphene online</A></DIV>
echo $orders->getFirstItem()->getId();
posted @ 2015-09-06 21:44  幻星宇  阅读(514)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报