
VSeWSS 1.3 CTP 发布

2009-01-13 01:43  Windie Chai  阅读(1404)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报

VSeWSS v1.3 CTP发布了,目前只能在Connect上获取,新版本只是对v1.2进行了改进和增强,开发团队的意思是让我们期待Visual Studio 2010中的VSeWSS吧,这个v1.3也只是一个过渡工具。



 ○Can be installed on x64 Server OS machines running SharePoint x64. Previously only x86 Server OS could be used.

 ○ Separate build commands for package, deploy and retract are added

 ○ Command line build, package and retract commands are included enabling continuous integration and build servers. Previously command line build of SharePoint projects was very difficult
 ○ Refactoring support for renaming of Web Parts. Previously renaming a web part required changes in several files in the project

  ○ WSP View improvements for consistency of deleting feature elements, merging features and adding event receivers to features
 ○ Solution Generator can now generate solutions from publishing sites. Previously only regular sites could be generated
 ○ Allowing partial trust BIN deployments of web parts. CAS configuration must still be provided by the developer.
 New project item template for SharePoint RootFiles items

新的项模板:Sharepoint RootFiles
 ○ Deployment will now optionally remove conflicting existing features on the development server prior to redeployment. Previously any feature name conflicts would result in an error

 ○ Ancillary assemblies such as for business logic can now be added to the SharePoint Solution WSP
 ○ Hidden features related to Site Definition projects are now shown in WSP View. They are no longer hidden
 ○ For advanced users a fast deploy is included to update only the compiled assembly on the SharePoint development installation

 ○ The User Guide is now installed with the extensions instead of being a separate download
